Chapter 20

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I think Hopes introduction to my wolf went really well last night. He wanted to run and play with her and smell and lick her. But I made him understand that she would be in more pain if we did that. So, he kept his distance. But he was definitely drawn to her. He seemed as protective as me. That's good. You want your wolf to be on the same page as you. I had no doubt he would be. He has been wanting me to take wolf form for the past week, so he could meet her properly.

I was so glad that I could pick her up and spend a little time with her before class. This separation is no joke. I felt like crap until I pulled up in front of her house. I wish I could take that pain away from her. But we have to wait until she's 18. She walks outside and I can already smell her. My reaction to her is so powerful now. It grows every day. I have to keep my wolf from coming out. He's as excited to see her as I am.

"Better?" I ask when she sits down. Her scent fully encompasses me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I just want to touch her hair and see how soft it is. My wolf tried to take control and I have to pull away. Once in my classroom, I lock the door to be safe. I honestly don't know if I will take her in my arms and kiss her like I have been wanting to. She teases me a little and says she wants to make out with me on my desk. How did she know I have been thinking about that since she walked in here the first time? I cant help taking a step towards her to do just that. But I get myself together and tease her back about giving her detention. Detention with Hope would not be a bad thing.

The twins arrive and Zade immediately gets me on edge by calling my Mate gorgeous. What is he thinking? Doesn't he know how wound up I already am? She is mine. He better stop looking at her like that. What am I thinking? That's my brother. He would never do something like that. He's just messing with my head. But it's not a good time. They know you don't mess with a wolfs Mate during this time. We can be volatile. The possessiveness is off the charts. I will have to remind them later.

They leave and I am already missing her. Just one more class until I see her again. Then I hear two guys in the back talking about her. "Did you see that chick that just left the classroom, she is so hot." One says. "Yeah, the new girl? she's in my History class. She's definitely someone I would love to get with. I might just ask her out." "I think she's with one of the twins. They are always around her." "Yeah, you might be right. I don't want to mess with them." Okay, well, maybe my brothers are helping more than I give them credit. I will let them slide with the gorgeous comment. But these two better not talk about her ever again. I will keep my eye on them. That's one benefit to super hearing. And a drawback at the same time.

By the time the bell rings, I'm anxious and jittery. That didn't take long. This is how most couples get after a month or more of dating and I haven't even held her hand! This sucks. How do they control it? I think I need to quit my job so I can just sit in the same room as Hope all day. That might not be a bad idea. She finally arrives with my brothers. There is my beautiful girl. I try not to stare so obviously. (Thank you for watching over her) I tell the twins telepathically. (No problem. She's family. And sorry for the comment earlier. I know I need to be more careful what I say right now.) Zade mentally tells me back.

Class goes smoothly. I'm always at my best when she's in the room. One girl makes some rude, jealous remark about Hope. I'm pretty sure she heard it to. I decide to let it go and not draw attention to Hope. But I make a mental note of who said it. I will keep my eye on her. The hour passes so quickly, and she is walking out of the room. She always turns around and gives me one last look. That beautiful glance will have to last me until lunch.

She sits right next to me while she eats. The boys come a little bit later after they go through the lunch line. After they enter, they lock the door, as I have told them to. "Dad wants to see your wolf." She suddenly says. "Really, you told him everything?" I ask, surprised. "Yeah, we talked last night. He understands, even though he may not be that happy about it. He said he wants to talk to you privately." "That's great! I'm happy to talk to him. I'm relieved you told him already. I was really worried about his reaction." "Sorry I didn't tell you this morning. All I could think about was you." She said as her cheeks turned pink.

Hope tells us some stories about her childhood. I love hearing everything about her. I still wish she had been raised here with us. But I will have to let that go. Who knows how hard it would have been for me to keep my distance if she had been in my life the whole time? Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. She is still only 17. I need to remember that. One more torturous month until she changes into her wolf. We need to start her physical training. "Guys, you want to help me with training Hope next week?" I ask while we are eating. "Yeah, that would be cool. We could teach her some self defense too." Zander suggests.

"So, this training, what should I be prepared for? Is it really rigorous?" Hope asks. "Well, we need to make sure your body is strong. We will do some basic stuff like strength training, running, and boxing. We can also do a little cycling and hiking if you like that." I tell her. "That sounds good. I enjoy staying active. I used to be on the track team. And I did some gymnastics for a few years." She tells us. "Good, you will do just fine, I'm sure." I reassure her.

The rest of the day is slow until Creative Writing. Hope sits in the chair next to me and it's awesome. This is where she belongs. Right by my side. During class, we have a little brain storming session. She and I take turns coming up with prompts for the students. They have to immediately tell us the first paragraph of a story based on that prompt. Once we go around the entire class, the students can try to stump us with prompts of their own. It can be anything. So, it's pretty fun. This was Hopes Idea. I love it. The class is enjoying it. Hope is a great partner.

At the end of the day, she comes back to my classroom with the boys. I pack away some papers I need to take home to grade. Then we head out. Hope walks in front with the twins in order to diminish any rumors that could start if students see us together. I hate that I can't stand next to my Soul Mate with my arm proudly around her. But I will be patient and wait.

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