Chapter 12

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Noah Kingston

Mom and I stayed up for hours to talk after they left. Never in a million years did I think that this would be the explanation for our connection. I was planning on meeting her Dad, figuring out who he was, and then going from there. Her Dad was going to be the key to the puzzle of Hope. But no, it was her Mom. Auntie Tempie, as I used to call her. I missed her for a long time. So did Mom. We never really found out what happened to her. She obviously had a baby, got married and changed her name. That sure does explain a lot. And Hope had no idea about any of it. How could Tempie keep such a pivotal part of her life hidden for so long? It must have been killing her. We actually considered that as a possibility.

Now that I know who Hope is, I am even more drawn to her. She is something special, down to her DNA. It makes total sense that I can't stop our connection from growing so strong, so fast. The connection started before she was even born. She should have been part of our lives from the start. I was robbed of knowing her for all these years. But I can't look at it like that. I have to be thankful that she is here now. But I don't see any way of stopping the pull or slowing it down. I truly tried to keep my distance, somewhat. Not to look her in the eyes for too long. Not to touch her. But the pull happened anyway. I have felt so sick. I know she does too. I can see it on her face. The twins are trying to keep her close to me whenever they can. It helps temporarily. But soon after she is gone, I feel the pain again. And she doesn't even understand what is happening to her.

We have to tell Hope what's going on. She needs to know sooner than later. I just hope her Mom understands. Did Raiden explain it to Tempest? According to Mom, he hadn't told her much at all. Mom kept warning him that Tempest needed to understand the connection. If she had, she never would have left while she was pregnant with Hope. She would have stayed and let Mom take care of her.

We talked through some of our feelings. Tonight's events brought up some old memories that needed to be examined. The twins didn't experience the same sense of loss that Mom and I did. Sometimes it's overwhelming. But other times we share good memories of Dad, Raiden and Tempie. Seeing Tempie again was amazing. I really did worry that she might be dead. We cared so much about her. I always thought she was part of our family. And now we know that she's okay. It's a relief. And those two amazing friends of ours made Hope. My Hope.

We decided that with the increasing speed of our connection and the link to Raiden, we needed to tell Hope and her Mom tomorrow. Her health and safety were of upmost importance to me. My personal need to be near her was obviously a big motivation as well. We had all exchanged numbers before they left. Mom decided to give Tempest a call in the morning and ask them to come back over.  I was already starting to feel the separation fatigue. I knew this was possible, I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly or so strongly. Hope must be miserable. I know she isn't as strong as me physically. I have had weight, combat and defensive training for years. But I know she is mentally strong, and that will help. Tempest experienced it when Raiden died. She will understand and be able to sympathize once we tell her why it was happening. She assumed it was a broken heart, but it was so much more than that.

I'm certain that Tempest will support a relationship between Hope and I. But I'm not sure how she will feel about my position as Hopes teacher. That might just ruin everything.  Hope means more to me than my job. Hope is going to be my life now. I would do anything to ensure that she is happy and taken care of. So whatever her Mom says, I will cooperate with. I will follow her rules. But she will have to understand that this is serious. I need to force myself to be patient and give Hope time to understand this whole situation. I hope she accepts it. But you never know. She could break my heart.

My unease is getting the best of me. I get up and go outside for a run. I head towards Hopes house. It isn't far from here. I have checked on her every night since we met. I end up just outside her backyard. I sit and lean against one of the huge trees. I look up at her house. The light to her room is on. I have never been inside, but I can sense her presence there. After some time, she comes out to the balcony. She looks up at the moon and takes a deep breath. I'm sure she isn't feeling good already, just like me. I will have to give her suggestion on how to fight the fatigue.

She leans against the railing. The moon lighting her face a little. I don't want her to catch a chill. But I'm also so glad she's standing outside where I can see her. I know that she is safe. I am relieved that she has two good parents. I can tell they love her and support her. She was very fortunate to get a Dad like him. I don't know how he is feeling right now, after hearing the story we told tonight. But I can tell that he is a good man. He has taken good care of Hope until he gives me that privilege. I can't wait to tell her tomorrow about our destiny.

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