Chapter 32

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She was beautiful. Her wolf was a reddish brown. an uncommon color in our pack. The playful, happy prancing was adorable. She now lay sleeping, curled up in the middle of my larger wolf form. I could feel and hear the beating of her heart. I couldnt wait for her to wake up and go running again.  Being able to spend time together as wolves was something I dreamed about. I hadnt yet spoken to her in our mind link. That would have to wait until I marked her. Only immediate family, mates, and Alphas with their Beta could do it.

She started to stir after a couple of hours. The sun was up now. I could see the shine in her auburn coat. Her eyes blinked open.  I gave her a lick on the top of her head. She yawned and stretched. I stood up and shook my fur out. She did the same. I went over to the water and took a drink. She joined me. Then we ran throughout the property. She stopped often to sniff and inspect things. This was all new to her.

After a while, we went back to my house. I turned back into my human form first so I could speak to her. "Just imagine your human form and you will turn back. It wont hurt." I waited just a moment and she did it. She was back in her thin pajamas. We went inside to find a spread of food. My Mom is the best. "I thought you two would be hungry." She said putting a platter of bacon on the table. Hope put a large pile on her plate. I laughed at the sight. "What, Im starving?" She said with a blush covering her cheeks. "I know love. I must have eaten 6 meals a day the first month I changed. Thats why Mom made so much. You need it." She looked at me thankfully and kept eating.

"Your wolf is beautiful Hope." Mom told her. "I called your parents this morning and told them you were successful in your transition. They are coming over later to celebrate and see your wolf." "Thank you so much. Im sure they were as anxious as I was. I still need to see myself. But that can wait until I eat for a couple hours." She said laughing.

We went to her room after only eating for only half an hour. "Would you like to transform and see yourself?" "Yes, I would. But Im scared. That pain was excruciating when turning into my wolf."  "It will only hurt a little the next few times. It gets easier. Just imagine yourself how you felt when we were running through the forest. You will change." Moments later she slowly transformed. I could see a slight twinge of pain on her face. Once she was in her wolf form again, she bounced over to the full-length mirror. She looked closely. Up and down. She turned in a circle and tried to see everything. "You are perfect Hope." I told her. She put her head down like she was embarrassed. I sat on the floor next to her small wolf. I pet her head, back and tail. Then she rolled over and I rubbed her belly. I could hear a little purring sound. It was adorable, just like her.

Then she returned to her human form. She was still on her back with her belly up. She giggled. "I imagined myself doing this in my human form, and I accidently changed." "Its okay, you will go back and forth for a few days until you get the hang of it. You should probably take Monday and Tuesday off from school to be safe."

She grabbed some jeans and a shirt and went into the bathroom to change. I would have been happy for her to stay in her cute little p.j.s all day. But I knew she was still a little self-conscious. That would lesson with time. I hope she is getting more comfortable around me.

She sat next to me on the bed and took my hand in hers. She looked like she was deep in thought. "What is it Love?" I asked soothingly. It took her a moment to look me in the eyes. "I, um, was just wondering when you would kiss me and mark me. I need to know more about this mate bond. Will the pain be intensified when we arent together, now that I have transformed?" She asked quickly as if she was trying to get it all out in one breath.

I smiled lovingly at her and put my fingers under her chin to bring her eyes back up to mine. I took a moment to gather my thoughts. I looked down at her unmarked neck. I had to resist the urge to bite her right now. I needed to show some restraint. "I am trying to give you as much time as you need. You just turned 18 last night. I dont want to rush you."

"Noah, I have been waiting patiently since the moment I saw you for you to kiss me. I must have imagined it hundreds of times. I want to be yours. I want to hear your thoughts and feel your love through the bond."

I didnt know exactly what to say. I needed to explain everything first. "Once I mark you, you will be mine. I know you say you are ready. But its a big step in our world. Its similar to marriage in the human world. I would also want you to move in here. Werewolves are very possessive of their mate."

"Im Ready Noah."

Thanks for reading. Please give it a vote if you read it. Also, I noticed my punctuation and  quotation marks didn't transfer from Word to Wattpad. I think I was able to change it all. If not, I apologize. Also, I apologize for not posting last Thursday. I'm crazy busy with a ton of stuff right now. Thank you all for your support.

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