Chapter 45

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The next couple of weeks go by without anyone noticing us hug or kiss each other. His classroom door stays locked during lunch, and I leave a few minutes before the bell. The twins usually join us, just as an extra precaution. But as we are getting more comfortable with each other, we are also not being as careful as we should. Every time I find myself in his arms in the secluded hallway that is practically unused, or in the utility closet in his classroom, I tell myself that it is the last time. But the need to be close to my mate is almost overpowering at times.

There is a dance coming up, and I have been asked by a few guys. Noah is not at all happy about this. Today day during his class, one of the guys continues to ask me to go with him. I tell him no and proceed to ignore him. But he persists and I know this won't turn out well for him. Noah can hear every whispered word from here to the parking lot, I'm sure.

I just hope the guy drops it. But no, he continues whispering how he will pick me up in a limo and take me to an expensive dinner. I mumble, "Right now isn't the right time for this conversation." Hoping he will get the idea and give up. The guy then suggests we have lunch together to discuss it more. And that was it. Noah finally lost it.

"Do you not understand the meaning of the word no Mr. Parker? She clearly isn't interested in you. You have asked her at least five times. Are you beginning to get the feeling that she is not attracted to an unemployed, arrogant, C average jock like yourself?" Noah says in his face condescendingly. There is dead silence in the classroom. The guys face is as red as a tomato. But he stands in order to defend himself. I cringe at what will happen next.

"Since when is who I ask to the dance any of your business?" He asks haughtily. "Since you are wasting my class time to do it." Noah fires back. "It seems like you are paying a little too much attention to sweet Hope over here. How do you know how many times I have asked her? And why does it matter to you so much?" The guy asks with his arms crossed and head held high. Trying to seem as big as Noah. "I am simply frustrated with your continued disruption of my class." Noah tells him defensively. I am trying to sink lower and lower in my seat.

"That's interesting, since I know very well that a number of the people in this classroom have been asking girls to the dance all week. But you only got upset when I asked Hope. Do you guys have something going on that the school board should know about?" The guys asks with a smirk on his face. I want to die right then and there. Noah is trying to contain himself. I can hear his thoughts. He's not just pissed, he's worried for me.

"What a ridiculous thing to suggest. I would never have a relationship with a student. Get out of my classroom right now." Noah seethes. "Gladly." The guys reply's as he picks up his things and heads to the door. "Maybe the principal will be interested in this." He adds right before he exits the room.

Noah shakes his head and sits down at his desk. He runs his hands through his hair. He doesn't look at me, thankfully. He just takes a deep breath, calming himself. "Continue reading the chapter and answer questions 1 through 25. Put it on my desk as you leave the room." He tells the class.

"I'm so sorry." He sends to me telepathically. "It's not your fault. I probably would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed." I console him. "I should have shown more self control. I never meant to draw attention to you love." "It's okay. We will be more careful." I tell him soothingly. Hoping to help him calm down. But I can't help but worry. And I'm sure he can sense it. I continue looking down at my text book. Not daring to look around and see the judging eyes of my fellow students.

When the bell rings, I rush to my next class. I don't want to hear the rumors that I know will be starting right now. Zander mind links me first. "Don't worry about any of that Hope. It will blow over." "I hope so." I send back. "Noah just told us to eat lunch with you in the cafeteria today. I will get your lunch from him after the bell." Great, now my wolf is going to protest. She knows lunch is our only time with Noah. This sucks.

I was right to worry about the rumors. They start out as Noah blowing up at a student in class. And end with him having an affair with a student and getting arrested. Some mention my name, some have it all wrong and suggest the head cheerleader is the student. But they are all talking about Noah, and it is making me and my wolf very upset.

Lunch in the cafeteria was probably not the best idea, since I could hear them talking and see the looks from some of the girls. They weren't disgusted by Noah dating a student, they were jealous, and that is worse. "Why would he choose her over me?" "You know everything on her is fake? She came back from vacation like that" "They drive to school together every day. I heard they have an apartment together."

It was getting out of hand. Would we have to stop driving together? Should I change schools? Zander puts his arm around my shoulder. "Stop freaking out. You and I, we have been dating since you moved here. We drive to school together, and Noah just happens to need to go here too." I guess he is hearing the same comments I am. Zade gives me a sympathetic look. I'm so thankful for these two. They are really like my brothers. Ready to stand up for me.

After school, the boys decide to walk home with me instead of riding with Noah. I'm appreciative for their thoughtfulness. But I am struggling with not being around him. In our last class, we avoided each other like the plague. He sent me to the office to make a bunch of useless copies. Smart, but not keeping my wolf happy at all. I couldn't wait to get to his house and fall into his arms crying.

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