Chapter 7

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As we sit, eating a feast of Italian food, the conversation is flowing freely. The twins are animatedly telling a story about some kids from school. Their Mom, Delilah is thoroughly entertained and intrigued. Mr. Kingston, Noah, is still busy observing me. It should make me uneasy, but it doesn't. My usual shy nature is minimized in his presence.  I couldn't believe how bold I was to question his feelings for me. He gave me enough of an answer to make me hopeful. Though he didn't say it outright, I believe he is interested in me for more than just my huge brain. The thought makes me ecstatic. But I need to calm down. I just met him. I only learned his name a couple hours ago. But for some reason, I feel like I have known him forever.

After dessert, I tell the boys that I need to head home. I really don't want to leave. But I also don't want to overstay my welcome or worry my Dad. I told him I would be home before nine. I can sense that Noah will not be taking me. What I have surmised this evening is that he is going to be overly cautious about the way he engages with me in public. I completely get it. He has a reputation to uphold and so do I. Unless I'm reading too much into this.

Saying goodbye is harder each time. "Don't worry, it won't be long until I see you again." He tells me at the door. Does he feel the same way? I nod with acceptance. His hand reaches out as if he wants to pull me back, but before it meets my skin, he quickly pulls back. I see the conflict in his eyes. I turn and head to the car. Sadness already taking over.

Zade is trying to make me laugh on the way home. It's a short drive. I don't live far from them. "So, I guess you guys got the idea that I have a thing for your brother?" I decide to just put it out there so that we can stop avoiding the obvious. "I'm glad you finally said something. Now I can stop watching every word I say around you." Zane says laughing. "Some of those looks were pretty intense. Just be careful at school." Zander adds. "I'll try." I say honestly. "He's a really good guy. He takes care of our family. Our whole neighborhood really. He would never hurt you." Zander informs me.  I figured as much, but it is reassuring to hear.

When we get to my house, they offer to walk me in. It isn't necessary, so I decline. Dad is probably wrapped up in school projects. I go inside and see him at the Kitchen table, surrounded by books and papers. He looks up at me and smiles. "Come sit down princess, I missed you tonight." I give him a hug and then sit across from him. "Mom tells me you went to a boys house for dinner. How was that?" "It was nice. She made the most delicious lasagna. Better than mine." I know I'm deflecting. He wants to know about the boy, not the dinner.  He looks at me with one raised eyebrow. I can't fool him. "Okay fine, he is just a friend. So is his twin brother. Nothing you need to worry about." I don't dare mention their older brother who I seem to be falling hard for. "Well, if you are interested in someone, it's okay you know. There is more to life than school." I guess there is. I never gave much thought to boys. I went to a couple school dances with guys, but I was never interested in them. We just went as friends. This is new territory for me.

"Their Mom did ask if you guys want to come to dinner on Saturday. She said she knows a lot of people she could introduce you to, since you are new to the neighborhood."  "That sounds good, Mom actually has Saturday off. Let them know we would love to come. And I can have a look at these boys that you are definitely not interested in, but Mom says you should be." I guess he already heard about the twins. "Alright Dad tell Mom to stop trying to be a matchmaker. I can find my own guy when I'm good and ready." I warn, with a smile. "Fine, I will tell Mom to back off." He concedes.

I head up to my room to finish up a little bit of homework that I didn't already complete at school. I also decide to start on the creative writing assignment Mr. Kingston give them today. I know, overachiever. I can't help it. I want to impress him. I hear Mom come in and she comes up to my room to say goodnight. "Dad told me to stop being a matchmaker and that we are going to dinner at your friend's house on Saturday." She says while using air quotes. He breaks down into laughter and then hugs me goodnight. "Love you sweetie."

I eventually fall asleep with sweet dreams of running through the forest in Noah's back yard with him and his brothers. It's freeing. I love it. The wind through my hair as I run faster and faster. Noah catches me and swings me around. We fall to the ground in a heap of laughter. He leans in closer. Just a hairsbreadth away from my lips. But his eyes pop open and he backs away. I'm crushed. I stand and start to run away from him. "Hope, wait, I'm sorry." I hear him calling after me. But I don't stop. I just keep running until I'm exhausted. I lay down near the small waterfall that he showed me. I realize that I'm crying. I wake up to see that's it's morning.  I stay where I am and try to calm myself. I feel my cheek and realize that I was actually crying. How is he having this effect on me?

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