Family Reunion

385 20 27

Levi's POV...

"So it's true..." I knew that voice far too well, a raspy, mocking voice of a grizzly man that shared my blood. Kenny was here.

"So you finally showed up huuuh? Honestly I thought you'd find me quicker than that 'ultimate detective'. Thought I taught you better, then again you were always a spoiled idiot" Kenny mocked as he finally stepped out of the shadowed corner of the room. Standing there, was a tall, lanky man with a full beard, a wicked smile and a black mafia style hat to boot.

"Kenny... you slimy good for nothing uncle of mine, I was kinda hoping you'd stay dead" I say with a growl, barely able to control my composure.

"Whoa ho ho, hold it there midget, why be so aggressive to your old man?"

"You're not my family" I said.

"I took you under my wing when I could've left your small, boney ass next to Kuchel to die from starvation, for a 14 year old you were incredibly bratty" he retorted.

"Tch, for an Ackerman, you're a pretty horrible at everything you do" I said back to him, only making him grin more.

"Ahahahaaaah, you small, good for nothing idiot, if it wasn't for Kuchel I would've killed you already, I never thought you'd turn out to be such an ungrateful brat" he said the last word with a growl as he pulled out his favourite pistol from behind his back and I barely had enough time to move out of his shot, narrowly missing my head. I instinctively moved out of the way and pulled out a dagger from one of the sheaths on my thighs and dashed for him while he aimed again.

Pulling a second pistol and aiming for my hand, I swiftly avoided his shot and moved closer as he moved back. He back flipped into the air and I could see the shells eject themselves from his pistols before I managed to avoid those two shots too, barely missing my right ear and hitting the wall behind me, a piercing ring echoing around the atmosphere.

"Tch, I haven't forgotten your trucks old man, you're past news" and with that I pull out my own pistol and aim for his stomach but a near fatal bullet hit me just beneath my heart, the pain hitting a few seconds after leaving me to shoot him too puncturing his intestines. He manages to land on his feet but he staggered back a bit and he placed his hand on his now bleeding stomach wound.

He was laughing seconds later, his maniacal teeth showing, a facade to seem unbothered but if I hit exactly where I aimed, his body should start to deteriorate after a few minutes and should be paralysed in place a couple more later before bleeding out. He of course, had a similar idea, difference is he went for a quicker kill and...

that he missed.

"Gwuahahahahaa! You're sharp kid, I taught you well it seems, but I must get going you know, I'm a busy man after all" he puts his hand out and fires another shot, missing again but in that time he managed to climb up to the trapdoor on the roof and looking down he said...

"Tell that Mikasa of yours I said that her friend was the same colour as that purple gown she wears, hmhmmm" and just like that, he disappeared into the underground streets, leaving me with a wound to treat and unfinished business with my *uncle*.


Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I have been busting my ass off with online schooling and shit that I somewhat forgot to write for a while. This is a bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless

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