Doctor's Orders

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Levi's POV...

Why did I hesitate? Why of all people would I stop myself from hurting her unlike the rest of them? Why did I even give her a chance let alone become my apprentice? She's just like the rest of the brats that came before her. Reckless and emotionally driven, letting her anger control her actions and yet she, she has such potential in her. She's fast and able to block well. She can even land a hit on me. How did I let someone like her land a hit on me?

"S-sir, are you alright?" Eren says and I pay no attention to him. "You called Mrs here half an hour ago and you haven't said anything yet. Is something wrong?" I finally decide to answer to him. "Ah yes, I want you to check if Mikasa will be quitting. If she does tell her to give you her badge and bring it back to me. Got it Jaeger?" I say to him and He nods in agreement. "Good you're dismissed" I say and go back to my thoughts.

He walks out and I immediately go back to thinking of her. How she is always getting on my nerves, the way she acts differently than anyone else I know, how she was able to land a hit on me when not even eyebrows could. She was different, she has her way with things. The way she acts, looks, thinks. With a bit more training she could become a valuable asset. If she can manage to keep her emotions in check she might even rival me at some point. Tch, who am I kidding, that brat will be quitting after what I did to her. I guess I should be expecting her badge in the morning...

Mikasa's POV...

"Come in Mrs Ackerman" I hear a woman speak as soon as I step in the doctor's office. Before me I see a young woman with brunette hair kept in a high ponytail sitting in her chair chewing on a baked potato. "So sorry for the mess, I was on my lunch break" she says and she swallows the whole potato. "Oh, if you want me to wait I can just-" she interrupts me. "None sense, I was just finished anyway. Now, what would seem to be the problem?" she says as she gets up and walks towards me. "Oh no, please don't tell me he sent you here" she looks at me concerned and puts her hands on my shoulders slightly pushing me down on my seat. "If by he you mean detective Ackerman then yes he did" I say nonchalantly. "Oh god, come with me please" she says and grabs me by my wrist as she drags me to the little bed across the room.

"Lie down please" she says and yet pushes me down anyways. This woman is a bit too energetic for my tastes. "Now then. Let's start with any brain injuries. Do you remember how many times he landed hits to your head?" She asks. "He didn't, he only hit my ribs and shoulder" I say and she looks confused. "Huh? That's strange. He never leaves anyone this intact" she scratches her head and looks at me. "Well then, let's see what I can do" she says as she puts a pair of rubber gloves on"

The checkup went better than expected. Luckily he didn't strike hard enough to cause any major injuries but a few big bruises. That midget was too fast for me to react. I was such an idiot. I let him get to me, just like that. I can't believe I let him do that to me. But why did I? Why did I feel the need to prove myself to him? What could I possibly achieve from that? That's it, this was a waste of time. There's no way I'm going back to him. Not after what happened. I can't. I won't. I... I... sigh, no. I won't quit like that. That's not how I was born to be, I will fight, because if I don't fight then I won't win, and I will win, I have to win.

"Ding" my phone rings letting me know i got a text. It's from Eren. He is telling me that I will need to give back my badge back when I quit. Is he serious? Does he honestly believe I'll give up that easily? Oh no way I won't. Although I have to take it easy as the doctor told me to not fight for a couple of days till the bruises are gone and my body is fully healed, once I'm able to I will show him I'm not the same helpless little girl he knew me as. I'll show him what I can do. I send a text message to Eren telling him to inform the midget that I will take a few days to recover and that I'll be back again. He can't get rid of me that easily. He will see what I'm capable of. There is no way in hell I'll quit. Not now, not ever. I'll get stronger and better and I'll bring justice to this city. And when I'm done I'll even be better than him. But for now I should probably head home to rest.

I see what people can't (rivamika)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon