The Start of Something New

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Mikasa's POV...

I walked out of the interview room slightly confused from what had just occurred. I gotta say, that midget is already getting on my nerves but I know that if I want to have any chance of bringing the Titans down then I'll have to work with him. I understand now what Eren was warning me about. He is absolutely horrible, and what attitude he has. Giving me a stupid book to read about manners, it seems he forgot to read it himself.

As much as I hate him already, I couldn't shake away the feeling that I've met him before. His face looked familiar and yet I just met him. I walk towards the exit of the building when Eren shouts at me from behind to catch my attention. "So how did the interview go?" He asked in his overly energetic tone. "Fine I guess" I answer simply. I wasn't in the mood for conversation so I'll just answer his questions and leave quickly. "He gets a bit getting used to but once you get close to him he is much better" he reassures me before adding "He is such a great detective, I'm surprised he let you join. He hasn't had a partner in years"

"Woah there, you make it sound like I'm dating this midget" I say irritated. "Ahahah, oh you wish, me and Levi are practically dating" he says with a giant grin on his face. "Eren, how many times does he have to reject you for you to understand he's not interested?" I facepalm at that and I couldn't help feeling bad for Eren. He has been working with Levi for over two years now and he's been trying to get closer to him for what feels like ages. Levi being the angry dwarf he is never gave him a chance and has Eren as his personal butler.

"You're just jealous he is with me" he says in an angry tone. "Sigh, if you say so Eren, I'm going home now. Apparently I have homework to finish" I say as I wave goodbye to my brother and exit the building before he could respond. As I was walking down town I spot a coffee shop across the street so I decided to go there for a bit. I could read my new book with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. As I go in and order my cup, I walk towards a table for me to sit at and I take out that stupid book he gave me. I couldn't actually focus on it however, for some reason I was thinking of him.

Where have I seen him before? Why is he so annoying? Why is he so... so... "here's your hot chocolate miss" the short, blonde waitress interrupted my thoughts as she placed a mug in front of me. "Um, thank you... Christa" I check the tag on her apron. "No problem hehe. If you need anything else just let me know" she says with a smile before walking back to the counter. Just then the little bell attached to the door rings signalling a new customer. The only problem, it was him.

I see Levi walk up to the gentle waitress. "Same as usual?" The blonde asks him and he nods while placing a fiver on the counter which she takes. She makes him his beverage and was about to hand him the money but just tells her to keep the change to herself. She thanks him as he starts walking towards my direction. He didn't seem to notice I was here, well, until he stopped right in front of me. "That would be my table you're sitting on" he says in his cold, emotionless tone. "I don't see your name anywhere" I fire back as I continue to sip on my chocolate.

"Well I'll just sit here then, I don't mind sharing" he tells me and sits down on the other chair. I just decide to ignore him and I go back to my book but he had a different idea. "So then Mikasa, tell me more about yourself. What's your story?" He asks while sipping his tea in a very unusual way, holding the cup from the rim. "Oh don't mind him" Christa tells me from my left as I failed to notice her there. "He always holds it like that, he says it's because the cup handles are too flimsy because his last time it broke in his hand" she adds on. "They ARE too flimsy" he spits back while taking another sip.

He puts the cup down and Christa immediately refills his cup like they have practiced doing this before which honestly wouldn't surprise me. She walks back to the counter and he continues "Now then, start talking" he says in a demanding tone as he takes out a cigar from his pocket accompanied with a black lighter with the department's logo on it. This must be why this is "HIS" table as it is the only one with an ashtray and an open window next to it.

As a fellow smoker I get the temptation to do the same so I put my hand in my pocket to find my pack which I had forgotten at home. He seemed to notice and threw one in my hands along with his lighter. "Here, take it as a welcoming gift. Now talk" he says again. I reluctantly ask "Where should I start?" He pauses for a few seconds to take a look at me before answering "From the beginning"


Hey again, this was more of a filler chapter as I was unsure on how to make her say her story to him and decided this was it. If you have any ideas you can just comment your thoughts and if you found any mistakes in my grammar I'd appreciate if you let me know so I can correct them and make your reading as smooth as possible. See you in the next chapter...

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