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Levi's POV...

"What in the fuck are you on about brat?" what he just said made me want to puke my organs out. Cheat? We aren't even dating, how fucking delusional can he be to not see that?

"Y-you did didn't you, you and... her... she did this"

"Oi brat, cut the bullshit and explain yourself now" I snap at him like always but the crying only got worse, his shirt getting more soaked by each drop that falls off of his stupid eyes.

"You and Mikasa, I-I heard you speak with chief Erwin about it" every word felt like a train hitting me over and over, this creep even listens to my conversations with Erwin.

"That's none of your damn business, and if I find out you spying on me again then the last beat down you got will feel like mercy, understood brat?"

"But Levi I, I-I love yo-"


Silence fell in the elevator as I finished my sentence. Coming to a stop at the bottom floor, the doors open to reveal the whole entrance staff looking towards my direction. Was I really that loud? No matter, I turn back to Jaeger with a low growl and speak.

"Leave me alone, I don't care what you want from me, you've been a pain to my existence ever since that day you fucked up the mission and out of all the people that survived it had to be me and you and you know what, we shouldn't have, especially you. Now stop being a creep, don't follow me ever again, don't speak to me unless necessary and just do your job"

With that I exit the elevator leaving a crying Eren behind. Everyone else kept staring until I turned my attention to them.

"You got something to say brats or are you gonna do your work?"

"No sir" Kirstein says immediately and salutes as I walk by, he applied for a job here a couple days ago, most likely to stalk on Mikasa or something.

"Then get to work horseface" and with that, they all looked away and went back to their roles.

Eren's POV...

I'm gonna kill her, I knew I should've the day she came to the orphanage, i knew it. That bitch stole my Levi away, how could she? She's nothing more but a slutty bitch with a scarf to choke herself with. She doesn't deserve him, he's far too good for her, he deserves someone better, like a real man, and that will be me. And soon she'll be out of the picture forever.

"Hahahah, got rejected again didn't you? How pathetic anger issues" I hear Jean laugh from afar as I get out the elevator shaft.

"Sh-shut up you horseface, even Levi calls you that, you have no chance"

"I don't think it's a good time for you two to argue right now" bertholt says in a timid voice.

"As if there ever is a good time" Ymir fires back.

"Hmph, whatever, fuck you guys anyways" I say and walk out the building hearing the people behind me start laughing once more. They will all pay for this.

Levi's POV...

After a long drive around the city to cool off I headed back home, stopping by Christa's coffee shop to pick up a drink for me and Mikasa. I get out the car and walk inside the shop to see the few regulars that come here and Christa behind the counter humming cheerfully while making a drink.

"Evening Christa" I say with a low voice not wanting to be any more of a dick to her, she's one of the few people who isn't a complete shitshow and doesn't get on my nerves.

"Oh hello Levi, how are you doing?" she says happily after turning to face me. Her blue eyes filled with joy.

"Absolutely shit"

"Aww, well at least now you can go home and spend some time with-" she pauses and puts a hand over her mouth. Does she know about me and Mikasa too?

"I'm sorry Levi, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, I'm more interested to know who told you" I interrupt her apology with a weak smile before letting a sigh escape my lips. "It was four eyes wasn't it?" She nods softly.

"I was at your office visiting Ymir when all of a sudden ms Zoe came running into the building screaming about it"

"Sigh, I'm gonna have to have a word with that psycho"

"Is it true? Are you and Mikasa together? I-if you don't mind me asking" she blushes and I can't help but let out another sigh.

"It's complicated, but it's something" I answer honestly, I still have no idea what is happening between me and Mikasa.

"Oh, well congratulations, I'm glad you guys are close. You deserve to have someone nice like her" she smiles sincerely and turns around towards the coffee machines. "I'll make these two on the house for you, give her my regards" she says and giggles softly.

"Thank you Christa"

She tenses slightly at my words, like she never expected me to say them. Fair enough I suppose, I usually don't.

"N-no need to thank me Levi, I know how tough it can be sometimes" she says timidly.

"No, I mean it. You're one of the few people who don't piss me off all the time, thought I'd try to be nice for a change"

"There's the Levi I know" she laughs and turns to hand me the two cups. A big grin on her face that I try to return with questionable succession.

"Don't push your luck brat, I'll see you tomorrow morning again, I'll definitely need more of this"

"Of course, you're always welcome here. Goodnight Levi" she says and I wave a goodbye before walking to the exit. And as I walk out the door I can't help but wonder how she can be so nice all the time, it must be exhausting.


Alrighty, hope you enjoyed this one. As always let me know if you enjoyed it and what I could improve on. Not much else to say, see you on the next one...

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