Getting to Know You

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Hey readers, just a quick heads up for the following chapter, Mikasa's scarf was given to her by Levi in this. I know Eren actually gave it in the anime but I changed it to add a bit more between them. Anyways, back to the story...


Mikasa's POV...

"Well let's see, I was born just outside of town and was living with my parents. My dad was a lumberjack and my mum was a gardener so I would help them any time I could. We lived peacefully in a little house out in the woods as we had access to both trees and our own garden which you can't really find inside the city." I start remembering those good old days of me running around holding a little snail I found in my mums tomatoes. Such simpler times, but then I started to remember that day and I shivered.

I paused for a while which he noticed quickly and he looks at me with an almost concerned tone in his face. I dare not to look at him as I feel my eyes burning inside out wanting to burst in tears but can't, I won't let myself. "One day when I was ten, I was outside playing with a snail and I wanted to show my mum. I go inside the building to see my dad stabbed dead on the floor and my mum trying to fight off 3 men with a knife. I froze in place as I panicked and couldn't move even though I wanted to. I then saw my mum getting her head split open with an axe that their leader used." I stopped again, chocking on my words. I closed my eyes and I put my head down as the tears threatened to fall.

I took a puff of my cigar to stop myself from panicking and continued. "I was then taken by them, kidnapped. They brought me inside the city in one of their warehouses and I would be tossed around like a toy. Something to use for their twisted pleasure. I was stuck with them for 3 years..." I pause, a tear finally breaking through which I immediately wiped away. "Until a woman and her son walked by the warehouse they kept me in. It was as luck finally decided to be on my side. The woman was the most famous detective in the city. Kuchel A. She was the one who inspired me to become a detective."

Levi's POV...

When I heard Mikasa speak of my mother's name it hit me like a bus. This faint memory from 8 years ago. Mikasa. I met her when she was only 13 years old and now she's here as my new apprentice. I assume that's why she has the same name as me. My mother registered her under our name to the orphanage that took her in. "She found me while the gang was gone and shut down their warehouse as well as take me to an orphanage to take care of me" she adds.

She unconsciously grabs the scarf around her neck. My scarf. "And her son was nice enough to give me his scarf. They then transferred me to the Jaeger orphanage centre and Eren practically became my brother. I've lived there ever since that day until his family was also killed by them. It seems wherever I go, they follow along with death. So now I run solo. I've made enough money to afford a small apartment and I'm staying hidden in order to not cause any more suffering" she finishes there as she looks out the window, scarf still in hand. She looks calm now, her silver eyes glowing as the light hits them.

At that moment I saw the little girl my mum and I saved all those years ago. "You're welcome" I say as I cross my arms over my chest and I close my eyes. "Pardon?" "I said you're welcome" I repeat. "I'm not sure I understand" she says confused. "It's alright, i didn't expect you to. Wasn't expecting a thank you from you after 8 years" I tell her as I open my eyes and look into hers. The look of realisation on her face was priceless as she blushes madly before pulling her scarf up to her nose and looks away from me.

She stutters to form a sentence but her words wouldn't come out. "It's ok. You can thank me on Monday" I say as I stand up from my seat. I look down at her as she's holding her head with her free arm. "Are you having a headache?" I ask her and she slightly nods. I roll my eyes and walk towards her as I place her arm around my neck and pick her up slowly. "Let's take you home shall we?" I say as we walk towards the counter.

I throw a tenner on the counter in front of Christa and she thanks us goodbye as I walk Mikasa to my car. She was reluctant at first but then she realised she was unable to walk by herself. I help her into the passenger seat and I go on the driver's seat. "Would you like to give me an address or you want me to smell my fingers to find out?" I say sarcastically and she looks at me in annoyance before giving me an address towards the more unstable part of town.

I put the address in on my gps and I take the route it gives me. While driving over there I see how truly horrible it is. Graffiti everywhere, broken glass and others rubbish on the floor broken buildings and everything of the sort. I wonder how she survived this long. She didn't speak the whole time as did I but it was a comfortable silence. As we reach the apartment block she lives in I take a glance at it. It was horrible, so dirty and run down. I couldn't let my employees live like this.

"You cannot be serious, this is it?" I asked completely flabbergasted. "Thank you for the ride" she says as she opens the door and starts to walk out. She looks back at me and smiles slightly. "I'll see you on Monday with a cup of black tea" was the last thing she said before closing the car door and walking into her apartment.

I see what people can't (rivamika)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum