Getting in Shape

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Levi's POV...

"You've gotten awfully slow brat"

"Grr, shut up you, I'm just getting warmed up"

"Yeah yeah, how about you stop being a lazy ass, I won't go easy on you just because we're a thing"

"Wasn't expecting you to, shorty"

Mikasa and I have been sparring for the last half hour, if she wants to return to the office and take down the Titans then we'll both have to be in top shape.

"Far, too, slow"


She throws another flurry of punches of which I easily dodge or block before sending a kick down to her legs. She managed to avoid getting swooped off her feet but let her upper guard down, of which I took advantage of off course, connecting with a light slap to the face in order to indicate contact.

"You can't keep your guard down like that, you like getting your ass kicked or something?"

"Hah, wouldn't you like to know, sleep demon"

I ignore her remark and take a step back to readjust my footwork awaiting her next flurry. As always she starts off by throwing a few jabs straight forward to break my blocking but this time she went for an uppercut that nearly took my head off it's hinges. Luckily I dodged fast enough for it to barely graze my cheek but she was already spinning around and threw a kick to my midsection.

Off balance, I didn't have enough time to fully dodge and so I braced myself for the impact and blocked as much as I could, putting my arms where her spinning leg was going to connect. The hit was surprisingly harder than I had predicted and it took me back a few steps, which gave her time to move again and throw more blows at me.

"Tch, not bad brat. If only you could be more consistent instead of letting your emotions consume you"

She ignored me and kept throwing with greater accuracy than before. Her fists moving like a well oiled machine and her footwork getting as close to perfect as mine. I kept blocking until I could dream opening in her attack, then I stroke, hitting shoulder and pushing her a bit back before I got a kick of my own in the mix. My leg swiftly whisked the air and hit her arm upwards out of position. Seeing her off balance and in such a position, I dashed at her, grabbing her lifted arm by the wrist and throwing her on her back against the cold mats.

"I win, again"

"Hmph, bet you didn't see this coming" she said with a smirk on her face in between pants.

"Tch, see what?"

And just like that, her leg moved and snaked my waist, yanking me off her and throwing me on the mat before she took the top position. I send a right punch her way which she grabs and I move my left hand and grab her other wrist.


"Hm, not bad but..."

I twist my enveloped fist in her arm and pull my hand to the side and since she didn't let go, she was dragged along with it. Using her other arm at the same time to push her off again before we went back to how we were. This time I locked her arms in place and pushed her ass down till she couldn't move an inch.

"...did you see that?" I finish my sentence. Both of us panting from exhaustion, she growls in defeat and gives me death flares which I'm sure I'll have to deal with later in the day. She moved her head to look away from me, exposing her neck and giving me full access. I take the unintentional offer and give her a small bite before getting off.

"Hey, that's cheating!" she exclaims and pours her cherry red face. At this point I wasn't sure if it was the training or her embarrassment that resulted to it but in any case it only made her look more adorable than before.

"Too bad I don't play by the rules then" I say. "Now come on, the house ain't gonna clean itself you know"

"Ugh, do we have to do it? I'm too tired to swipe clean the whole mansion"

"But of course we have to, the rules say once per two days"

"I thought you midget didn't follow the rules"

"I do when it pisses you off"

Her eye roll and annoyed expression on her face was more than enough to send my lips a small tug upwards. I went to my bench and grabbed my towel and water bottle before taking a sip. I wiped the sweat off my face and upper body before placing the towel over my shoulder. Mikasa following along at a slower pace, she downs her half filled bottle in one go.

We both exit the gym and get working on cleaning the house. Mikasa, though nowhere near as exited as I was, took the top floor and got it done faster and cleaner than any maid could ever dream of doing. Still nowhere near to my level, since in the time it took her to clean the top floor I had finished two, spotless and refreshed till you could see your reflection on every piece of furniture. It was all going well, until I got a call from Hanji.

"Yoo hoo, Levi, hope I'm not interrupting anything"

"I'm in the middle of cleaning idiot, this better be good" I say.

"Well put your windex away for now, we need you at the office to review the evidence from the Arlert case"

'The Arlert case? I thought they didn't find anything new' I thought to myself and let out an exasperated groan. "Fine, I'll be there in an hour. Better have everything set up when I'm there"

"Will do shorty, see you sooooooon"

"Oi, I told you not to call me shorty, four eyes"

"You let me call you that, shorty" Mikasa said from behind me, she was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"Oooo, is Mikasa there? Tell her I said hello!" Hanji screamed in my ear.

"Tch, whatever shitty glasses, now leave me alone" I say and hang up the phone a little too aggressively.

"You have to go to the office right? New evidence?" Mikasa says softly.

"Seems like it, though I'm pretty sure it's just to review the existing evidence we have and find a clue through them"

"Yeah... seems like it" she agrees in a much sadder, solemn tone. Shit, I forgot it's her best friend's case.


"No, it's ok. Go find those bastards" she tries to force a fake smile but yet again, I could see something in her that others can't. Something I've seen far too many times in my own face, after the death of my crew, and friends.

My body suddenly moved on its own, walking closer to Mikasa and embracing her. She did the same and squeezed her hands around my body, feeling every single bit of pain she felt inside her. I soothes her back slowly, letting her rest her head on my shoulder, but this time she did not cry, she wouldn't let herself cry, not again, not until we brought justice to the criminals that took everything from us.

"I'll return and give you a detailed report of everything I've gathered, then we can put an end to their reign of terror for good" I say to Mikasa.

"I know, go get them Levi"

"I will. I love you" it was the first time I had actually said those words, and they felt so real, so genuine, it took her by surprise as well, since she looked at me with her adorable grey eyes and smiled.

"I love you too"


Another day, another chapter. I'm thinking of reaching around 50 chapters for this story, making it into a somewhat proper book length (even my chapters are only a third of the average novel in word count) and hopefully you will support me through it all. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you on the next one...

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