Chapter 9: Clumsy Chums

Start from the beginning

"That was our fault too. The Titans went after you because of what you knew. If we hadn't befriended you-"

"Don't say that. Our friendship is the only thing keeping me from ending it."

Leo was so confused. Rachel had thought about... ending it? Leo had felt sad like that before, and would never wish that feeling on anyone. Was Rachel really that far gone? (Yes, this is a very sensitive topic. And as a friend of mine committed suicide, you should know, that you are NEVER that far gone. You can always come back. Even if you don't think anybody likes you or sees you, I see you and like you for who you are. You are NOT alone.)

And who were the Titans? Oh right, they were that gang Percy and Annabeth busted, right? Leo wasn't really sure. 

"You've thought about ending it?"

"I'm not happy, Annabeth. You know that."

"Then why join Drew? Percy said that it was very-"

"Drew makes me forget that she's gone. My mom might have never been the best mom, but she was more than my dad. You and Percy want to fix me. But I'm not broken. At least... I don't think I am."

So Rachel's mom had died? Maybe in the plane crash?

Annabeth's voice became gentle. "I never said you were broken. You're still whole."

Rachel laughed bitterly. "Barely."

Leo started to feel more uncomfortable. This was starting to seem like a really personal conversation. He wasn't sure if he should be here, but he wasn't sure if he could sneak away. 

"Drew's still not the best-"

"Influence? Person? I know, Annabeth. Believe me, Percy tells me that all the time. But Drew is fun. Popular."

"If you want popularity, all you have to do is be friends with Percy Jackson, according to Piper. And are we not fun?"

"I'm not saying you're not fun or popular, it's just different."

Leo began to slowly inch away. This was heading into more girl drama now, so maybe he didn't really want to listen. 

"Why is it different?"

"You guys are nice popular. Yes, Jason and Percy might have to reject a lot of girls, but you never are mean."

"And that's a bad thing?" Annabeth's voice was now incredulous. 

"No. It's not bad, it's just.... being with Drew gives me an intoxicating sense of power. More power than I've ever had in my life."

Leo was almost out the door by now, but he heard one last thing before he left. 

"I'm not like you, Annabeth. I have the connections, but none of the power."

Leo was puzzled. So Rachel was somehow involved in Percy and Annabeth's past? And power? What did she mean by that? He was so lost in his thoughts that he bumped into the Popularity Queen herself, Drew, followed by her newest lackey, Khione. They both stared at him frostily, but they both were attractive, he could give them that.

Drew rolled her eyes. "Watch it, los-"

Her drowning in makeup face immediately changed. "Oh, it's you."

Leo smiled sardonically. "Yes, it's me."

Drew put a hand on Leo's arm. "Listen, can you tell Jason-"

Leo immediately shrugged her off. "Yeah, no. He's not interested, honey."

Leo felt better as he strutted down the hallways. Sarcasm and humor, his old friends, always cheered him up. 

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