Chapter 33: A Lot Can Happen in A Closet

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Disclaimer: see my message last chapter. 

Jason's POV:

Why did this have to happen today? Of all the days? 

That was all Jason could ask himself as he stared in horror at the speaker that the voice had come from. 

From all the Student Council meetings(pretend they happened, pls), Jason knew that all of the various CEOs and authors and policeman and scientists and mathematicians and other various businessmen were already here. They had been scheduled to arrive right before school, and they were in the gym right now. Hopefully, they were all okay....

Piper jammed her knife in the lock again, but to no luck. 

"Why are you here?" Jason said, raising his gun. 

Everyone in the classroom gasped and Jason remembered that maybe, it wasn't the best idea to get it out in front of all his homeroom classmates. 

"Don't worry, I have a permit," he said. 

It didn't seem to reassure them very much. They stared fearfully at the gun and him. 

"I am here, because I need certain things at this school, and you are going to get them for me," the voice said, echoing from the speakers in a creepy way. 

Piper and Jason exchanged a glance. They both knew what they needed to do, even if it meant helping Gaia. 

"All right, Gaia, we'll get whatever you want, as long as you let our classmates go," Piper said. 

"Don't I count as a friend?" Lacy said, tossing her pink hair. 

Piper rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you do."

Jason blinked. "Just let them get out of the school."

"No, that's too much effort," Gaia said. It sounded like she was rolling her eyes from her tone. "Everyone will stay in their classrooms if they know what's good for the-"

"Hey, Dirt Face!" 

It seemed that Leo had somehow gotten in there. 

"Leo?" Piper said. 

"Yeah, hi," Leo said. His voice was a bit strained. "I think that I've almost got it- Percy, grab her!"

"I got her!" 

That sounded more like Annabeth. 

His suspicions were confirmed when she said, "And no, Piper and Jason, this is not Percy. He's got the other guy, who is-"

"No, Leo, turn it off!" Annabeth's panicked shout made Jason tense. 

"Now!" Percy's scream made Jason reach for his weapon. 

"I-I can't! It's on auto!" Leo said. 

"What's going on?" Piper said, exchanging a worried glance with Jason. 

"She's got some sort of gas, it's like-" Annabeth's voice cut off, and all they could hear were three thumps.

"Annabeth?" Jason said. "Percy? Leo?"


"Ah, there you go."

"What did you do, Gaia?" Piper said. 

"Oh, they'll be out for a little while.. that is, if they wake up. But you won't be there to see that, either. Ta-ta!"

Smoke alarms started beeping like crazy. Jason caught a whiff of a smoky scent. Some sort of grey gas started to fill the room. 

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