Chapter 32: Untitled, because I honestly don't know what to call it

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SecondDisclaimer: Same thing as before... honestly I'm tired of saying it. 

Jason's POV:

"Go Annabeth!" Jason shouted from the stands.

It was December 4th, the Wednesday after the disastrous Thanksgiving Party, and Jason was tired. It had been a long day, and he was exhausted. 

First off, Student Council had officially replaced Gwen with some pink-haired girl named Lavinia, who looked kind of like Lacy.... just with several pearl barrettes clipping back her hair, and Lavinia was taller, with lanky limbs and dark roots peeking through her hair. 

Lavinia was way less organized than Gwen, and Jason could tell Reyna was regretting picking Lavinia from her expression the whole time. 

"Did you get that down, Lavinia?" Reyna said, her mouth tightening in a forced smile. 

Lavinia didn't look up from her iPad. "Yep."

At first, Jason had been holding out hope that maybe Lavinia was taking minutes on her iPad, but then he caught a glimpse of her iPad.... and yeah, she was digitally drawing a portrait of a green-haired girl that Jason might have seen in the hallways a couple times. And yeah, the drawing was really good, but maybe actually focusing could be nice?

Secondly, Musical Theatre had been interesting, to say the least. Choir had gone off fine, but Musical Theatre had been strife with tension. They were rehearsing the Adelaide and Sarah Brown scene, and Piper and Drew both didn't seem happy about it. 

And after that wonderful conversation from Thanksgiving, (basically Drew and Piper and Jason having a strange argument about confusing things), they weren't too happy about having to do the scene. 

Football practice wasn't fun, as Coach Hedge was the official sports coach now. He made them run drills and practice so so so much. (again, football's not my thing... so sorry, don't really know what people do during practice)

He wanted to just lay down and rest by the end, but he still had Annabeth's track meet to go to, so he reluctantly donned a Goode High sweatshirt, and drove to the strange place. 

"Wahoo!!!" Percy cheered. 

Annabeth was in the lead, at the moment, and hopefully it would stay that way. Leo had told him that Track was the only sport that they had never received a medal in. 

Annabeth gave them a quick wave, her sweat slicked face glistening in the sunlight. 

"Go Annabeth!" Piper said. She turned towards him. "I think she's going to win?"

Jason was dazed for some reason. "Um, yeah, totally!"

Piper's lips curved in a mysterious smile, and she turned back to the meet with a swish from her purple sweater. Jason inwardly slapped himself. Why did he have to sound so stupid in front of her?

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Hazel said, scooting in between Frank and Leo to sit down. "Is she winning?"

Hazel wore an orange sweatshirt, black leggings, and sneakers that lit up with each step. 

"Yep!" Frank said, staring intently at the orange and purple dot. 

"Hopefully she'll get us the gold medal," Leo said, shoving another potato chip in his mouth. 

"Yeah," Percy said. "I think she will."

A few minutes later, she did. 

They all cheered loudly. 


"Go Annabeth!"

"She did it!"

"Well, I never doubted that for one second."

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