Chapter 29: The Highs and Lows of High School Football

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Disclaimer: As always, PJO isn't mine, it belongs to the God of Trolls. 

Piper's POV:

Hearing Jason's voice was amazing. Heck, hearing somebody's voice that wasn't the ones she'd been hearing for the last weeks was amazing. 

She'd missed him so much. Why? Well, Piper liked him, that's why she'd started the whole fake dating debacle in the first place. You'd think that isolation in a horribly pink room would make the crush disappear... but, definitely not. 

"Hi." Such a simple word, but so much carried into it. His voice was shaking a little bit... did something happen? Wait.. why was she so worried? She shouldn't feel this intensely. 

"Hi," Piper breathed. "It's so good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, you too." Piper tried not to read too much into that. Key word: tried. 

"How did you get Dakota-"

"I remembered a lot. Gwen and Dakota have a child, and so Lupa has them under control... but I think Dakota felt bad for me, I think, so I was able to call you!"

The joy in his voice seemed so fragile and Piper didn't want to crush it... but: "Um, I'm not sure if you heard... but Gwen's-"

"Yeah, I know." His voice was solemn. "I feel so bad for them... she was helping us when she was killed."

"Oh, is everyone else okay? Annabeth, Hazel, Leo, Percy and Frank?" Piper kicked herself for not thinking of all her other friends!

"Yeah, everyone's okay. Also, we found my journals, and also, apparently Nancy was a part of of the Wolves."

"Yeah, I know." 


Piper didn't want to assume he'd found out about their weird past... but, you know, she would certainly not mind if he had. She played it safe though.

"I think that we became friends over the summer, and then I got involved in it somehow," Piper said, keeping it ambiguous. They'd been more than friends at one point... but he didn't need to know that. 

"Oh. Well, anyways, where are you?" Right, she was still unsafe. 

"I don't know. There's no windows or doors, it's just really pink."


"Yeah, pretty much a nightmare."

"Where are the guards stationed?"

"There are bars, and then Dakota's on the other side."

"Okay.. well, I haven't really learned much in your absence. I think a few other people are Wolves or spies at school... but it took me a long time to remember them. And only after Gwen died. I'm worried that I won't remember in time..."

Piper smiled, though she knew he couldn't see it. "I promise, you and I are going to finish what we started. Nobody else is going to get-"

"Jason!" Piper recognized that voice. Was it Annabeth or Thalia? Piper couldn't tell. 

"Oh, one sec, Piper. It's my sister." So it was Thalia! 

From the fumbling noises coming through, it sounded like Jason was trying hit the mute button or something, but it didn't work, for Piper could still hear Thalia. 

"Who are you talking to?" 

"A friend." Piper chuckled. He sounded so defensive. 

"Let me guess... your girlfriend, Drew?"

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