Chapter 38: True Loves Met(for like the thousandth time) On the Set

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Disclaimer: If you've read the whole thing, you probably know what's supposed to be here. 

Jason's POV:

"And the school hasn't been shut down?" Zeus was incredulous, but Jason was kind of glad to see that he cared, for once. 

After they'd found the body... well, all hell had broken loose. Jason still felt nauseous, just thinking about it. 

After everything that had happened, the school was somehow still open, but, all the Olympian kids, and, well, anybody actually smart, were all staying home. After everything that had happened, it wasn't the most safe, and besides, they needed to seriously find Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera. Annabeth had sent an email to the school(as their parents didn't really care) that they would not be attending, just like that first week after Hera was kidnapped. 

Jason, however, seemed to be the only one happy about Zeus' volume. Annabeth looked a little pained at hearing Zeus speak, Percy was stuffing his face with cookies in what looked like an attempt to stay calm, and Leo was pointing his laser at Zeus. Piper, Frank, and Hazel just ate their breakfast like normal people. Thalia looked about the same as Jason, a little bit of pride and annoyance etched into her features. 

"Yes, but don't worry, we'll be staying home," Jason said. 

"Good," Zeus grunted, then straightened his tie and looked pointedly at Jason. "After you visit your m-mother, make sure to do your business course, up to week three."

Jason side-eyed with Thalia. Why did he stumble on the word 'mother?' It was kind of suspicious. 

"Um, okay then," Jason said. 

Zeus nodded firmly, then left. Sally and Paul came back into the kitchen, both wearing weary faces. They had left the room as soon as Zeus had appeared in the Poseidon House, murmuring some excuse about helping Estelle. Jason figured they just didn't want to be around Zeus. 

Sally forced a tight smile. "So... what did he want to say? He didn't break my oven again, right?"

Her voice was scarily high. 

Percy looked a bit worried. "Mom, that was once, and no, he just wanted to hear about school."

"It might have been once, but Dolly never recovered!" Sally patted her oven, a fierce expression upon her face. 

If there weren't other stuff going on, Jason might have laughed. But there were other stuff going on, so he cleared his dishes and changed into a white shirt and black jeans in his Zeus house room.

"No color?" Thalia said. She, herself, also wore a fully black outfit, hers being a black shirt, jeans, and boots that she would probably use to step on his feet if he annoyed her. 

Piper and Annabeth met them outside, Piper with a saffron yellow blazer and yellow ribbon in her dark hair, and Annabeth with a tan blazer and a few white barrettes holding her curly blond hair back. 

Annabeth was accompanying Piper to her dad's movie set for safety, while Thalia and Jason would be visiting their mom's movie set. 

"Just some brownies from Percy's mom!" Piper said, a small smile lighting her face as she handed them a box of blue brownies. 

Jason's cheeks almost hurt from grinning so hard. "Thanks!"

He pulled Piper in a one armed hug, then let go quickly, not wanting be a creepy friend and dating to respect boundaries. Piper didn't seem creeped out though, so hopefully he'd been respectful. 

Annabeth gave them a sly smile, and then said, "We'll see you back here. Good luck with your mom!"

They waved and went off into Annabeth's car. 

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