Chapter 27: Rain Rain, Come Again

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Disclaimer: As usual, yada yada, PJO isn't mine, but the plot is. Also, you might want to reread Chapter 23, bc I changed a few things, but yeah, that's it. Also, this one is pretty short, only about 2.6 k words, so don't expect much. 

Jason's POV:

Jason was bored. After another uneventful self defense class, here he was, on the balcony of the Zeus house, listening to Drew and his mom talk.

Drew smiled, wrapping an arm around Jason's shoulders. Her white and yellow sundress looked perfect on her, emphasizing the gold eyeshadow around her eyes. Her dark hair was curled and fell in soft waves down her back. She looked beautiful.... but Jason wasn't thinking of that. 

He was thinking about Piper, to be honest. Piper had been gone for almost two weeks now. Yet they hadn't been able to go to the one lead they had until today. 

Annabeth had gotten the mysterious note three days ago, yet his dad had insisted that they go on Saturday, chaperoned by Coach Hedge. Just another thing to add to Zeus's long list of mistakes. Jason preferred it when Zeus had ignored him, to this failure of a parental notion. 

His mom smiled at him. "So, how did you two meet?"

Jason forced a smile. "Um, at school."

Drew nodded. "Yeah, we had our first kiss on the first day of school."

Jason's head snapped up. Uh... what? Their first kiss was in a closet, not the first day of school. 

"It was super romantic," Drew continued. "There was a note in my locker and a whole scavenger hunt. It led to him, and now, here we are!"

Lies, lies, and, oh, lies. Why was Drew making this stuff up?

His mom looked happy, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. "Well, that's wonderful! And I would love to continue to talk, but unfortunately, I have to run along now, as I have to meet with Jason's sister, Thalia. Ta-ta!"

Right, Thalia's flight was this evening. She was coming, despite being in the middle of exams. The devotion warmed Jason's heart, though he figured there would be loud yelling matches after they visited the graveyard. 

Drew smiled tightly at him as she led him off. When they were outside, Jason figured he had to ask. 

"Why did you make up all that?" Jason said. 

"I want to make a good impression on your mom," Drew said. 

Jason sighed. "You don't need to make a good impression on my mom."

"Well, it feels like I do!" Drew said. "All these beautiful girls are always around you, and they live by you, so what do I have in comparison?"

"Drew, Hazel is my cousin and Annabeth's practically my sister," Jason said. How could Drew think that? 

"But what about Piper?" Drew's eyes were full of sadness, and anger, and emotions that were indecipherable. 

"Piper's just a friend," Jason said. "And she's gone, so why would you even-"

"Because she's this beautiful, strong, person. And she's starring with you in the musical, while I'm not. And yes, she's kidnapped, but even before that, you always seemed to be looking at her."

Jason was shocked into silence, his jaw dropping. "Well, I didn't know that you were feeling this way and I'm s-"

Honk! A pink car pulled up, with Calypso, Rachel, and Khione inside. Drew sighed and pulled him into a kiss. 

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