Chapter 41: Mingle, mingle, mingle!

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Disclaimer: um.... yeah I've done this a lot, but here you go: I disclaim the fact that this is mine, for it isn't, and y'all probably know that by now. 

Piper's POV:

Piper didn't know her. No, not really. But she never thought that it would be her. The pink haired girl who was a part of the Goode Times had seemed nondescript, just a normal high schooler, with a normal life. 

But maybe that had been all part of the act. Maybe the wolves were good at blending in, and that was why they'd been recruited. 

If she'd seen the pink haired girl, or Jason, for that matter, on the street, (and technically she had), she wouldn't have given them a second glance. 

But now she did. 

"Lavinia?" Piper said. 

Lavinia's face flickered with emotions, one that looked like guilt.. but before it could fully manifest, her face was wiped clean of emotion again. 

"Do you know Lavinia, dear?" her mom said, tossing her blond hair. 

"Um, a little bit," Piper said. She was disturbed by how relaxed her mom seemed to be. 

Boom! Piper and, well, every sane person in the room, which apparently didn't include her mom, jumped away, as Lavinia threw down what looked like a balloon, but what was really a powder bomb. 

Tan powder filled the air once more, and confusion was imminent. Piper closed her eyes tightly, so she didn't irritate her eyes, then looked out in a tiny glimpse under her eyes, seeing only a small gold flash. 

When the color dissipated, the silver walls, Piper's teal dress, Jason's pink ribbons, and, well, everything, was covered in a fine film of tan powder. 

But what was most startling was the cameras on the floor, severed from the silver walls. 

Lavinia shook her hair, sending the tan powder off her pink locks of hair. "Ah, there we go. They'll be confused though, so you guys have your disguises, right? I'll have to have Leo and Jason as my prisoners, but the rest of you, should try to blend in, all right?"

Piper was extremely confused. So..... wait. Lavinia was on their side. 

"You're on our side?" Leo said, voicing the question they'd all been thinking. 

"Of course she is," Aphrodite said, tossing her blond hair. 

"We've been in this gang, together, for almost... five years now, I think," Piper's brother- no, she couldn't handle that right now, Michael said. 

It wasn't that he clearly was helping them and had probably been through tough times... it was just that it felt too fresh, too weird, frankly. Like, who was the dad? Not that she was thinking about that. But they did look about the same age... how had her mom had two kids around the same time, was all Piper wanted to know. Or wait, no, no, she didn't. She didn't want to know, and she didn't need to know. 

Jason spit out his pink ribbon gag. "Ugh, Lavinia, you couldn't have taken that off before?"

Lavinia shrugged. "It'll go back on when we go to the gala, you know."

Jason rolled his eyes, and Piper felt her knees go weak. Piper wasn't sure if it was fear or just sheer happiness, but she suddenly felt like lying down. Even though it'd only been a few hours, presumably, that they'd been separated, Piper still felt like it'd been years.(lol, in real time it's been like a couple months....)

"Anyway, how come I remember Lavinia, but not you?" Jason fixed his blue eyes on Michael. 

Had Jason recovered more about his past? Like about his time with the Wolves, specifically? 

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