Chapter 16: Rambo Food

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO universe, but the god of trolls does!

Piper's POV:

"What should I expect in theatre?" Piper said. 

It was Wednesday afternoon of her first week back from school, and she didn't want to go into the theatre room. 

Lacy shrugged. "I'm not in your class."

Piper sighed. "Great."

"Good luck!" Lacy said, with a swish of her pink cardigan. 

Piper took a deep breath and walked in. It wasn't that she was scared of Drew and Khione, or being Jason's love interest (though that was plenty nerve-racking), or wearing the outfit that Aphrodite had given her (a grey sweater and really really ripped jeans), or even that she was scared to sing out loud. 

She was annoyed, because despite it being a week since they'd found out about a real lead, they weren't going to see a production of Chicago until Saturday, after their defense class. Also, despite being able to go to school, Piper was still stuck in Olympus. 

"All right, everyone!" Melpomene said. 

All the talking kids turned to Melpomene, who wore her signature pinstriped suit. "Thalia's sick today, so Terpsichore will be working with company on the choreography of 'Runyonland,' and Euterpe will be working with Piper and Jason on 'I'll Know.' Khione and Dylan should stay too."

Drew glared at Piper, pursing her hot pink lipstick covered lips, but Piper wasn't really in the mood. She was too busy thinking about Saturday. How would they recognize the assistants? And why did they like the musical Chicago so much?

One by one, the rest of the cast headed off with Terpsichore, until only Piper, Khione, the boy Piper assumed was Dylan and Jason were left.

"Did Khione give you the notes for 'I'll Know?'" Euterpe said. 

"Um, yeah." Well, technically, it had been Lacy, but she didn't want to involve teachers in petty drama. 

"And Jason?"

"Mm-hm." Jason looked distracted. 

"So, let's warm up first!" Euterpe smiled and started playing a simple scale. "Khione, stand next to Piper. And Dylan, stand next to Jason."

Dylan grinned, showing off his brilliant teeth. They were way too bright for Piper's eyes at the moment. He stood next to Jason. 

Khione rolled her eyes and gave Piper a frosty look, making Piper nervous. What if she recognized her from the party last week? Something about that icy look felt extra scary though..... something about it seemed super familiar.....

The rational part of Piper's brain told her that Khione had surely glared at her like that several times, but her irrational, panic filled heart didn't want to listen. Piper could feel her heart pounding in her ears and then-

A storm of white filled her vision, and snapshots of life exploded in her mind. 

"I'm afraid you're too late."

A flash of silver and pink. 

A blue and white sundress.

The awful sound of bone crunching. 

But most of all, the feeling of fear. 

Cold, hard fear. 


Leo's POV:

Honestly, after all that had happened today, Leo didn't want to tell another person. Not again. But Percy was giving him the baby seal eyes, and Annabeth was giving him a glare...

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