Chapter 12: Truth or Hair?

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO, plot is mine.

Piper's POV:

"How did you get out?" Piper said. 

Annabeth shrugged. "I couldn't miss the camping trip! And even though my mom is missing"- her grey eyes filled with sadness and fear-"I deserve to be let out of the house."

Piper nodded. "Of course."

"They barely let us out of the house," Percy said. 

Jason nodded in agreement. 

"Enough about depressing things," Leo said, fiddling with some gear. "After all, Leo is in the house now."

"We're on a bus, Leo," Annabeth said matter of factly, brushing her blond hair out of the way. She wore a grey shirt, a denim jacket, black leggings, and sunglasses. 

"Not anymore!" Lacy said, as they pulled up to the camping site. 

Piper's first impression, as they unloaded off the bus, was: wow. The campsite was beautiful. But not in the sleek utilitarian of buildings, but the simple beauty of nature. The cabins(maybe mansions were a better word?) were expensive looking, sure. But the lake was serene, rippling softly, while the trees swayed in the slight breeze. 

"That's Thalia's tree," Percy said, pointing to a pine. 

"Her tree?" Piper heard Jason say. 

"Thalia used to spend hours up there," Annabeth said. With them, the populars, moving into uncharted territory, Piper fell in with Lacy, who wore a tie dye sweater, and several scrunchies on her arm. 

"Which one's our cabin?" Piper asked. 

Lacy pointed to a pink mansion, complete with a hot tub and glass windows. 

"Really?" Piper said. 

Lacy nodded. "Yep. It's pretty much the whole cheerleader team."

Piper opened her mouth to ask another question, but the teachers called for attention, and sorted them into groups of three to explore the campsite.

 Piper was paired with Percy and Rachel, which wasn't exactly ideal. She didn't really know them very well. Percy was Annabeth's boyfriend, and of course Piper would kill if him if he dared hurt Annabeth. He was Jason's cousin and best friend, but besides that? Practically nothing. According to Lacy, Rachel had dated Percy, but Annabeth and Rachel were friends, as evidenced by their hug, but Rachel was still part of Drew's cliche. 

Never the less, Piper forced a smile. "So, um, do you guys know your way around here?"

"Yeah. Um, I guess we can just go through the camp cabin by cabin?" Percy said.

Rachel nodded slightly, and Piper responded with a "yes!"

And so they went off, the trio of them, starting at the blue mansion. 

"This is the big house," Percy said. 

"It's certainly big," Piper remarked. 

"No, it's literally called the Big House," Percy said. 

Piper's eyebrows shot up. "Oh."

"This is cabin 1," Percy said. "Jason's the only one who lives here."

Cabin 1 was certainly extravagant. It was not as wide as the others, but the white building was tall, and had several balconies. 

"This is my cabin, cabin 3," Percy said. "I'm the only one here, but the swimmers and the most funny people alive."

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