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I hate who I love -
Adore who I loathe.
I push away my guardian angels -
So I can writhe and bask in the flames

I'm a bad man
A sinner going to church
Just a glutton for punishment -
Masochism found in a sadist

You made me see the foe inside
Darkness seeping from my pores -
Caught in your hands -
And shown back to me

You'll always be a reminder -
Of my offenses and immolation

Eyes and mouths -
Are the mirrors of my true self
They are your cardboard weapons -
Against my army of one
An army of flame

There is a burning in my blood
Mold I'm my brain
Dirt in my heart
Bile in my soul
And worms in my eyes

The sickness growing inside -
Was planted by my father
And watered by you
But I opened the curtains
And cradled the ceramic on cold nights

I'm the villain in my own story
They were just collateral damage
But you -
You were my coming-of-age tale

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