Take me now

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It could take me now

A being of color and cold silence

Any day, any way, it could steal me

And I have one wish, such a strange wish

I ask that it hurts

I ask that be strong and final

Rip my world away

Every smile and frown I have held in my hands

Swept away by a force of nature

Because if I fall to a crushing weight, the will of a god

It will not be for lack of strength

Even if I go down crying

Even if chased dreams vanish

Last days spent wandering my hometown, matching street corners to memories

I want to say, "I know I fought"

Tooth and nail, crumbled and fallen

But at least I gave my all

Sitting under trees

Counting each star as a friend, leaving me less alone

This is how I'll push back this disease I dance with

This is how I'll give it the finger and say

"You may take me, but I'll go bloody"

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