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I am shadow

I lurk in the corner waiting

Waiting for you to be bored enough to notice me

But when you cast a light upon me, I disappear

I am shapeless

I change by the hour

I lurk in the corner waiting

Waiting for the war in my head to end

Waiting for the canons to cease fire

Waiting for the guns to be laid to rest

I am shadow

You don't notice me until you need to

But I'll always be there

A nuisance

I am never in the light

I am never in the front

I am always in the back

The back of the room

The back of your mind

I am shadow

I am like the ultimate in-between

The gray between light and dark

Night and day

Happiness and sadness

I am the edge of being forgotten

I am like melancholy personified


I am shadow

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