The Past

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It's always someone else

Always them but never you

Until it DOES happen and suddenly that's all you are

Just a product of a sad past

Becoming less than human - you are bits and pieces of a person

Required to hide your face or else you will scare the children

The webbing of cracked porcelain, like a broken antique doll, stretch across your covered body

And you leak from those wounds, salty raindrops can no longer be contained inside

With every fissure that extends over your brain, there is another moment of delirium - taken to an unholy place to relive your past

You cover up these wounds and memories with beautiful dreams of pastel blues and lavender

Truly, the question is, what is a dream if not an escape from a sad reality, even if just a reality that lives in the dark corners of your mind.

The anguish fills up your head like a dark, thick liquid - occasionally it must be poured out

Everyone has their method for emptying - a knife, a bottle, a bag, or for me, paper

Tilt your head and let the ink flow from the cracks, spilling on the paper and pooling into words of raw power

Relief lays in its place, until the next time

And soon it becomes a routine

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