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Harry woke  up next morning when he heard his alarm blaring. He lazily got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up. Once he came back to his room, he felt a stinging pain around his g-tube, he carefully walks towards his med cart and got the medicine applying it around his g-tube.

He noticed his table, his breakfast had already been put there, he sat on his bed grabbing his plate. He had some eggs, toast and juice for breakfast. He was quite hungry and was ready to dig in when his phone rang, he picked up his phone from the night stand and smiled when he saw Niall's name on the screen. He excitedly accepted the face-time, he missed his best friend. The moment Niall sees Harry he just wants to hug him but they had never had any physical contact, although they never let it be a barrier. Excitedly Harry showed Niall his breakfast, Niall did the same. Harry noticed truffles on Niall's plate and he pouted because he didn't get any, but he let it slide. 

They talked about everything and nothing over breakfast, about their relationships and work, thats when Niall told Harry he had broken up with his boyfriend, Liam. Harry was surprised they broke up because he always thought of Niall and Liam to be the 'perfect couple', he seemed disappointed. Niall was quick to explain himself, he said, "It was mutual", Harry cocked his eyebrow making Niall feel guilty about lying, he agreed that he was the one who broke up with Liam. "I really thought he was the one for you", Harry said as he slowly worked his way through his breakfast. "He obviously isn't but anyway screw him:, Niall said because he wasn't in a place to ruin his mood first thing in the morning. Harry smirked, "At least you go to do that". Niall spat his water at this and accidentally pressed the emergency button. As soon as the emergency alarm went off, Harry along with Amy and a few other nurses rushed to Niall's room thinking he was choking and found him sitting on his bed with a guilty smile on his face. "I'm sorry i accidentally pressed the button with my leg"

"You scared us Niall", Amy said as she safely kept the emergency button to the side of the bed. "Yeah try chewing next time", Harry said as he walked off before Niall could say anything but Niall wasn't having it, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "I love you Harry". 




Louis and his mum are waiting for Dr. Malik i his room, Louis was standing by the window quietly looking outside to avoid small talk with his mum. There's no doubt he adores his mum, Jay, but their conversations in hospitals were never comfortable ones, neither of them were gonna say something but they both knew how awkward they can be. Soon Dr. Malik walks in and starts talking to Jay about a new treatment they want to try on Louis. Honestly he was tired of trying these zillion treatments when none of them work, he just felt like they were tying him down, stopping him from living life like anyone else. Louis knew he wasn't like everyone else, he was different. 1 in 4 children had CFers and unfortunately he was the one.

The disease had limited him from doing so many things anyone his age would find just basic. He hadn't given up he just wanted to live his life to the fullest while he can because he knows there is no one way to die from cystic fibrosis. Dr. Malik reminded him about the basic rules that had been tattooed in his mind since he was five. "Dont go anywhere near another CFer, dont cough near them" Every single trip to the hospital and no doctor forgot to tell him this. Here he was again at another hospital, listening to a new doctor tell him "Six feet apart at all times". Dr. Malik gets up from her seat and smiles at Jay bidding both of them goodbye, before she leaves she reminded Louis, "U need to keep up with your regimen, for this to work". Louis nods and gives her a thumbs up, she turns around and exits leaving Louis and his mum in the room. Jay sighs looking at Louis' irresponsible behaviour and leaves the room. Louis feels suffocated, he quickly puts his mask on and walks towards the stairs that lead to the terrace. 

He climbed the stairs, huffing and puffing. When he's finally climbed all the stairs he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a ten pound bill to use it as a stopper for the terrace door, he slipped the bill in walking to the open terrace, taking his mask off. The moment his mask comes off, fresh air his hits his face and blows through his feathery hair, in that moment he is thankful for the life he has no matter how hard it is for him to live with something like cystic fibrosis. He climbs the higher wall, sitting down, his feet dangling. He feels relaxed, unlike every other time he's not worried about his treatment, he simply doesn't care in the moment. He quietly sits there looking at the flickering lights of the many hospital cells when one cell in particular catches his eye, he squints to see who the familiar looking boy is. He finds a pair of eyes looking right at him when he realises its Harry. They both look into each others eyes for a few moments until Harry moves away from the window and the next thing Louis knew he heard Harry say, "Do u have a death wish or something?". "Hey! let me enjoy the view while i can, you should try it too." Louis quickly replies. Harry fiddles with his coat practically freezing in the weather, "You dont realise how lucky you are to be here, to be a part of this drug trial, do you?". "How do u even know about my drug trial unless you've been asking about me", Louis says slightly smirking. This really gets on Harry's nerves and he scoffs and says, " If you dont care then just leave, give your spot to someone who actually cares and wants to live." Louis turns to look at Harry and says okay, he slowly stands up on the narrow wall and Harry starts to panic, "What are you doing? Come down Louis" Louis smiles and pretends to fall down the building giving Harry a mini heart attack. Harry just wants to push him down the building himself now and Louis starts laughing obnoxiously. Harry's just so annoyed he angrily walks away from Louis stomping his feet like a five year old. He reaches the door, turns around, 'Fuck you" Harry says and subtly pulls out the bill holding the door and goes back to his room, leaving Louis locked up in the terrace




a/n: Well i finally got done with chapter 4, this is longer than the others and im specifically proud of this chapter for some reason. Seriously tho why did i never try writing its really fun anyway i hope u liked this chapter. Please dont forget to vote.

Can they just steal a foot?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα