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When Louis didn't open the door, Harry said, "Lou? Please open the door.". "I'm sorry Harry, I can't.", Louis says and Harry can feel the sadness in his voice. "I know Amy said something to you, whatever it is let's talk please.", Harry says, he could feel a lump in his  throat his words barely audible. "I'm sorry Harry.", Louis says and puts his forehead against the door, Harry copies his actions and does the same on the other side. They both stand there for a minute or two and tears roll down there eyes, Louis takes a deep breath and says, "Go away, Harry.", at this Harry starts to cry harder. "Maybe it's better this way, you know.", Niall says and Harry gives him a questioning look. "Come on Harry we're not normal kids, we dont get to take chances in life.", Niall says and Harry looks at him and replies with a groan, "Oh not you too." Niall shrugs, "Admit it Harry, Louis is a risk-taker just like Gemma.". Harry looks at Niall with a frown and says, "What's that supposed to mean Niall? You're telling me I'm the one scared of taking risks? What about you? You and all your boyfriends? Are we just going to ignore that?", Harry snaps at Niall. "Dont go there. You dont know what you're talking about.", Niall quickly replies trying not to make it worse. "They loved you Niall, even after knowing you were sick and what did u do? You ran away from every single one of them. You have ruined every single chance of love you've ever had so please just keep your goddamn advice to yourself.", with this Harry angrily walks away. He felt bad about fighting with Niall but he felt Niall didn't understand how big of a deal this was. Harry had finally come to terms with his feelings for Louis and just then Louis has a problem and chooses not speak to Harry.



Th next few days Louis, Harry and Niall spend all their time away from each other, trying to avoid each other whenever they came across in the hallways. Honestly none of them were happy or themselves. Louis and Harry missed each other, it was like they were each other's habits. Something that was too difficult to let go so easily and in Niall's case he got a reality check and he realised that Harry was right no mater how much his words broke Niall. It was difficult for Harry and Niall to stay away, they had been best friends and had never gone without talking to each other for more than a day. It was hard for all of them but they still felt the need to stay away from each other for safety purposes, in Louis and Harry's case and for Harry's sake in Niall and Harry's case.

A few days later Niall just couldn't take it anymore, he had to talk to Harry. Harry was in his room watching youtube when he heard a knock on his room. He slowly walked to his door and opened it, he found no one. He stepped back and was about to close the door when he saw a little bottle on the floor, he picked it up and a note was stuck to it that said, "You were right, I'm sorry". He smiled and went back inside. He picked up his mask and walked to the vending machine to get a chocolate bar. He took the bar and walked to the atrium hoping to find Niall, fortunately Niall was there. He threw the bar at Niall and he replied, "Asshole", Harry chuckled and sat down. "You're right, I am afraid because anyone who loves me will have to pay for all my care and then watch me die. I dont want to put this on anyone because its my sickness, its my problem.", Niall says and Harry quickly replies to lighten the mood, "Well maybe we can get Louis to marry you, he's loaded.", Niall smirks at this and says, "Well he's not picky, he likes you after all.", Harry pouts at this and says, "Oh fuck off Nigel." Niall laughed at this and the both of them sit there talking until Harry notices a hand washing guide stuck on the wall nearby, without saying a word, he quickly got up and hurried back to his room, leaving Niall alone and confused in the atrium. Once he was in his room, he grabbed a piece of paper and drew two boy stick figures standing apart and a stick on between them. Above the drawing he wrote, "5 feet at all times", he put it in an envelope and walked to Louis room slipping the envelope through the space between his door and the floor. He walked back to his room, picked up his laptop and opened youtube getting ready to go live. He was a little nervous because he hadn't done this in so long.



Louis was doing his aflo-vest when someone slipped an envelope from under his door. He took off this aflo-vest and threw it on his bed, walked to the door and picked up the envelops. He sat in his bed and opened the envelop to see Harry's awful drawing of them, he chuckled and put the drawing back in the envelop when he heard a notification chime on his laptop. He walked to his table and grabbed his laptop, clicking on the notification which leads him to Harry's live on his youtube. Louis clicks on it and finds Harry talking all about B.cepacia, it felt personal to Louis for some reason. He sat on his bed watching the live and smiling every now and then looking at Harry, his beautiful eyes and his luscious curls. Soon the live was over and Louis fell back on his bed, just thinking about how much Harry meant to him, how his relationship with Harry evolved over such a short period of time. With thoughts in his mind he starts to doze off until he hears a knock on his door. He walks up to the door and opens it to find Harry standing outside with a pool cue in his had. He keeps the cue between them and says, "5 feet apart, are u in?", Louis just stares at him, Harry raises his eyebrow and Louis smiles and replies, "I'm so in." Harry blushes and says, "Atrium, 9 o'clock" Louis nods and walks away taking his pool cue with him. 




a/n: yes im stupid af i cant take out time to do my thing but it was birthday yesterday so i didnt have time and the day before that there were people over at my house so.... ill try to finish this ASAP cuz there's not a lot left actually. Anyway i hope u liked it and dont forget to vote and comment. Also i know the chapter is shorter but idk what to call it writers block? IDK seems too fancy for my dumbass ahah.

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