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A few more hours passed and and nothing. Finally after sometime a few surgeons and nurses came out of the ICU. As Harry's parents, Louis and Amy saw them they stood up. They smiled and nothing more had to be said. They knew, Harry had new lungs, a few more years to live and this made Louis so happy. He could feel tears roll down his face, happy tears. Harry's mum and dad hugged each other crying, nothing could make them happier, their son got a few more years to live and they wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Louis on the other hand couldn't believe it, Harry who he didn't know a few months ago was now one of the most important people in his life. He didn't know how someone could have such a huge impact on him. He loves Harry like he's never loved anyone before and honestly he knew he could never love anyone as much as he loves him. It was a strange feeling for Louis, he had never felt something so strongly for anyone in his entire life and he loved the feeling because he knew that even if Harry doesn't love him as much as he does, he will do anything for him, anything to protect him but little did he know, Harry was whipped, he hadn't felt this either, they both were new at this but glad the other was there for them. 

But it wasn't quite done yet, although Harry had gotten new lungs there was still the chance of him getting the B.cepacia bacteria from Louis. Louis and Jay are in his room, tensed, waiting for Amy to give them any information on Harry's condition with the bacteria. They sat there worried for a while until Amy finally came in. She walks in saying, "The bacterial cultures just came back, I dont know how but he's clean. He didn't get it, theres no trace of the bacteria.", Amy smiles and looks at Louis who is practically in tears, he couldn't have been more happy but guess he celebrated too quickly, Amy continues, "But that doesn't mean he can't get it now.", Louis drops his smile at this and looks down to his feet, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He was scared, he didn't want to ruin it for Harry, not after he finally got new lungs. Amy and Jay look at Louis and Jay decides to change the topic, she looks at Amy and speaks up, "What about Lou? Is his treatment working?". Amy looks at Louis with sadness in her eyes, she knows its about time she needs to break it to them but she doesn't want to. She shakes her indicating the fact that his treatment is in fact is not working. Jay looks heartbroken at this and Louis well feels bad but he never really cared about his treatments as much up until he met Harry.  Even now Louis thinks the fact that his treatments arent working is his fault. "I'm sorry, for all of this.", Louis speaks up and Amy walks to him embracing him in a hug, "No no no sweetie, its not your fault.", she holds him there for a few moments and pulls back walking out leaving Louis and Jay alone. Louis had tears filled in his eyes, it wouldn't be long until he starts sobbing.

Jay gets up and walks to Louis and sits next to him, holding him. She knows he needs it right now more than anytime else. She holds him and Louis takes deep breaths trying to calm himself down and not breakdown. He sits with his mum for some more time and feels the need to get out of his room, he walks to the rooms by the ICU where Harry was being kept at the moment and stands outside his room, by door looking at Harry sleeping inside. He sees a pipe pass through Harry's mouth. He stands in front of the small on the door and continues looking at him, thoughts rush through his mind at once, making it hard for him to keep track. He stands there for a few more minutes and walks back to his room, longing Harry's touch, his laughter and all the silly little things he does. He walks to his room and lays on his bed thinking about Harry. He feels tears roll down his eyes, he loves Harry but this disease wouldn't let them be together, he just wishes they were normal but then they never would have met, which is something Louis wouldn't trade for the entire world. 

Finally he makes up his mind to not let the bad thoughts get in the way, he finds him mum sleeping on the couch in his room, he slowly walks up to her and wakes her up. She wakes up concerned, "What happened Lou? Everything okay?", Louis smiles at Jay and nods. "I need help with something.", he says to her with hopeful eyes. "Of course, what is it baby?", she asks her but he doesn't say anything, he instructs her to follow him. She follows him as he walks to the atrium and calls a few of Harry's friends, his parents, Amy and Zayn and Perrie. Once they all arrive he tells them about a little surprise he wants to have for Harry when he wakes up. They all agreed to it but most of all Anne seemed to love Louis, the things he was doing for her little boy meant so much to her. He treated him like the prince he his, he loved his flaws and Anne knew for a fact that even if Louis couldn't be there for him in some ways, he would do anything in his power to protect him.

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