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The next day Louis woke up excited, sure it was his birthday but he was excited to have Harry with him. He found his breakfast on the table after he had gotten dressed. He grabbed the tray and finished his toast with a hot cup of tea. It was his usual breakfast but today it was just different, he had this giddy feeling in his tummy he couldn't explain but he knew it had something to do with Harry, so as soon as he was done with breakfast he ringed Harry. Before picking up the call, Harry opened a few books and placed them on his lap. As soon he picked up the call, Louis said, "I'm finally free!!", at this Harry's smile dropped and he replied, "Oh? It's your birthday, I'm so sorry I forgot.", Louis let Harry's mistake slide and said with hopeful eyes, "No its fine. If your not doing anything, you wanna take a walk?". Harry turned his camera to his lap, showing the books, "I'm sorry I'm studying. Maybe later?", Harry asked. Louis' frowned and replies, "My friends are coming later but um it's ok, we will figure something out. I was just missing you.", at this Harry pouted and replies, "I'm sorry, talk to you later." and disconnected the call.

The moment Harry cut the call, Louis was a little disappointed so to distract himself he decided to call Zayn asking if he was coming with Perrie later, but to his disappointment Zayn had cancelled too. Honestly Louis felt his day just went down the drain, he wasn't as happy anymore, that was when his eyes fell on a box beside his table. He opened it to find a letter from his mum and a few pair of clothes. He picked up the letter and read it over and over again. It gave him a sense of safety he couldn't explain. At this point, even though it was pretty early in the morning, he had given up on his day so he grabbed his laptop and lay on his bed playing a random movie he wasn't even interested in. Soon he felt his eyes getting heavier by the minute and he fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

 A little later in the evening, Louis laptop chimes, waking him up from sleep. Its a message from Harry that says "Hide and seek, u in? -H" Louis smiles at the message, specifically the little 'H' Harry seems to put after texts for some unknown reason. Suddenly he hears a knock on his door, he slowly gets out of bed to open the door. As he opens the door, he finds a balloon outside and he grabs the string, going back to his room. As he observes the balloon not knowing what to do with it, he notices a note inside the balloon and a pin attached to the balloon. He figures he needs to burst the balloon so he carefully takes and pin and does the needful. He picks up the note, carefully opening it. The note reads "Start where we first met" with a little heart at the bottom. He smiles at the handwriting recognising it to be Harry's. He quickly walks to the NICU eager to know where this whole thing was going. As he reaches the NICU he notices another balloon inside. He knock on the glass and a stout lady turns around, he signals for her to give him the balloon, as she does he quickly runs out of the NICU, puts the balloon in his jacket and bursts it. The opens the note, this time it says "Roses are red... or are they?" He wasn't sure what this could mean but he knew it had something to do with a different colour or a change in colours. He rushed to the atrium hoping to find something and to his luck he did, he found another ballon among many other white ones in the atrium.

He pulled out his pin once again and burst the balloon hoping no one noticed the unnoticed sound. This time the note said "If only I could hold my breath for this long." Louis stood there for a few moments thinking about what this could mean. His first instinct was the kids play room in the hospital because it has a fish tank but when he reached the play room he didn't find another clue, at that moment it hit him that it was the swimming pool. He rushed to the swimming pool to find another balloon and the pool cue, he grabbed the balloon and burst it open. He opened the note and read "24 hours from our first date." Now Louis didn't know what to do because there was no clue so he figured this was the last note, he stands there until his phone chimes, he takes it out and sees a message from Harry, he opens the text and sees a picture of Harry with a balloon and a message that said ".....and our second date begins."  He notices the background in Harry;s picture and rushes to the cafeteria. Before opening the door he took a deep breath trying to calm himself down and walked inside finding Harry waiting for him with a balloon. Louis walks to Harry and stands in front of him with a huge grin plastered on his face, "I thought you'd never find me", Harry said with a small smile. Louis looked at Harry confused wondering what exactly they were doing in the closed cafeteria, Harry continued, "I know its late but we had to wait till the cafeteria closed." "We?", Louis questioned, Harry nodded and started walking in the opposite direction, Louis followed him. They walked for about another minute and reached a little room, Harry smiled and opened the door, "Surprise!" everyone shouted. Louis smiled and looked around to find Zayn, Perrie and a few people he didn't recognise, he figured they were Harry's friends. 

Zayn and Perrie walked to him and gave him a big hug wishing him a happy birthday and apologising for ditching him earlier. Then Harry's friends hugged Louis and talked about how he actually is real, they all sat down at the table when Niall came out of the kitchen, "Food's almost ready and happy birthday.", he said. Harry walked to the kitchen and stood a few feet away from Niall looking at him work, Niall gave him a questioning look and Harry said, "I'm just surprised how we still have food left.", Niall scoffs at this and laughs. Harry then says, "Those look lovely, Niall.", "Thank you, i have been practising... because next month Liam and I are gonna see my mum.", Niall replied flustered. Harry squeals in excitement and says, "Oh my god Niall really?", he could feel happy tears build up. Niall nods and continues, "I know he loves me Haz, and I love him too.", Harry smiles and him and Niall goes back to working. He works for another 10 minuted and the food is completely ready.

Harry helps Niall carry all the food back to the table and they all sit down. Harry, Louis and Niall sitting away from each other for their safety. Louis speaks up, "Where did you even get all this stuff from Niall?" Niall laughs and replies, "Hospitals have VIP kitchens for celebrities and politicians you know but tonight birthday bot it's for you.", Louis thanks Niall and everybody else for making his birthday special. They all then go ahead and serve themselves food, talking to each other about all the random things while eating. Currently Niall and Harry were telling a story from Halloween when they were kids and Gemma was brought up, everyone stopped talking. "Gemma was wild, she always said she would live big because Harry couldn't.", Niall said and Harry nodded at the thought of his beloved sister, Niall continued, "She did live big, bigger than any of us. She would've loved this party." that was when Louis picked up his glass and said, "To Gemma", everyone else picked up their glasses and repeated his words. 

After they were done eating Niall ran to the kitchen  to get the cake. He put a candle on it and lit up, walking back the table singing happy birthday to Louis. As soon as he exited the kitchen everyone else joined in, they put the cake in front of Louis asking him to blow the candle and make a wish, "If i blow out the candle you cant eat it.", Louis said looking at Harry and Niall. One of Harry's friends walked up to him and blew the candle. They were just about to cut the cake when the door flew open and Amy was standing there looking at them in pure anger.




a/n: I decided to stop here because it was getting long and i dont wanna write the next part cause i know I'm gonna cry so.. Anyway I'll be updating on Tuesday next. I cant wait to put out the new fic with Rhi honestly so that should be out by Sunday hopefully. I wanted to put this out yesterday cuz it was Lou's birthday, omg he's 29, but i wasn't done so... I hope you liked this chapter, dont forget to vote and leave your feedback x

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