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As Louis and Harry's parents worried about them, they were unbothered. "At least tell me you're a cat person.", Harry said to Louis as they sat on a higher wall by the lake they were skating on. "Well I did own a ferret when I was small.", Harry laughed at this and Louis looked at him in confusion. "What are you even laughing at?", he asked as Harry laughed and replied, "You said when you were small.", Louis wasn't sure what Harry meant so he questioned, "Yeah, so?", Harry still laughing said, "But you're still small.", Louis looked at Harry offended and hit his arm. Harry laughed at Louis' reaction. A moment later Louis' phone buzzed, he reached to his pocket and pulled his phone out to find a message from his mum. Harry knew it was from someone from the hospital. "Dont answer it, what do they even want right now?", Harry says as Louis opens his phone to read the text. "Oh it's just my mum, I'll tell her I'm okay thats it.", Louis replied.

"Harry they have new lungs for you.", Louis said as he read his mum's text. Harry didn't reply because something told him not to go back to the hospital, he just wanted to stay here with Louis. "Harry come on we need to go to the hospital.", Harry looked up to Louis and innocently replies, "But I haven't even see the lights yet.", Louis was honestly surprised at Harry's reaction to this, he knew how much having new lungs meant to him. "The lights? Does that mean you knew?", Harry guiltily nodded and started defending himself. "Come on Lou, five years? Thats it.", Louis couldn't believe Harry, "5 years mean a life time to us Haz." Harry just wouldn't give in he kept arguing with Louis until Louis gave up and said, "You know what thats it we are going to the hospital right now." Harry tried to get off the wall he was sitting on while arguing with Louis as he fell on the lake. Louis rushed to see Harry, scared that the ice must have cracked. Fortunately nothing bad had happened and Harry wasn't heavily injured. Louis let out a sigh of relief but he was too quick to relax. As he walked to Harry to help him he turned around and by the time he reached Harry the ice had already broken and Harry had fallen into the freezing water.

Louis rushed to Harry forgetting about everything else. He sat beside the hole and put his hands trying to get  hold of his so he could pull him out but it was no good. Harry was struggling under the freezing water not being able to breathe or move for that matter. He tried to move around trying to come out for a while until he stopped moving, his lungs were filling with water, he soon saw Louis hand and grabbed it and Louis quickly pulling him out. He lay Harry next to him and checked his pulse, there was no pulse. Louis panicked and called for help hoping someone would hear him. He quickly got his phone out sending a text. He then unzipped Harry's jacket pushing on his chest hoping the water would come out but it didn't help. He knew there was only thing that might actually work but it was too dangerous. He didn't bother about his safety and gave Harry a mouth to mouth resuscitation but he quickly ran out of breath. He went back and forth pressing on his chest and giving him a mouth to mouth for a few times until he ran out of breath and started wheezing. 

He knew he couldn't do it anymore, he tried once more but failed, he fell down on the ice beside Harry as Harry coughed loudly spitting out some of the water. Both Louis and Harry had been exhausted by then they had no idea what was happening. They could just feel darkness surrounding them. It seemed like everything had gone to waste like there was no way they would make it, after all they had been a little too close to each other. Someone had found them lying on the lake and had called the ambulance, Louis and Harry were rushed to the hospital, they both were struggling to breathe, grasping for air and barely getting any. At a distance a paramedic said, "A 22 year old with cystic fibrosis, we have lungs for him make it quick." at this all the people there rushed Harry who was on a stretcher and put him in blankets to prevent the cold, the same was done with Louis. It was panic, their parents were scared, the doctors and the nurses were scared and so were Harry and Louis. Dr. Malik had arrived and told everyone there were chances of hypothermia which well did not do any good but make everyone even more terrified.

Harry was coughing, trying to remove his breathing mask when Dr. Malik said, "Harry you need to calm down, we have new lungs for you.", Harry vigorously shook his had and said, "I dont want them, let me go." this is when Anne steps in, "Harry you have waited for these lungs for years baby.", Harry was stubborn he just wouldn't oblige, "He looked to Louis beside him struggling to breathe and said, "I love him, the new lungs would mean nothing without him." At this Louis calms down and calls out for Harry making everyone quiet, "Harry please, take the lungs for me.", Louis said with tears in his eyes and Harry couldn't see him that way, it hurt him to the inside to know Louis was crying all because of him, he knew Louis loved him just as much as he did and so he had to do it not for himself but for Louis. "Okay", Harry said as he nodded letting Amy put on his mask. "Ok, I'm ready.", Harry said as Dr. Malik ordered to take his stretcher to the operation theatre. As Harry was taken to the operation theatre, Louis called out to Dr. Malik, "I gave him mouth-to-mouth, I'm sorry i had no other choice.", Dr. Malik put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You saved his life Louis, if he has B.cepacia we'll deal with it.", she then hurried to the OT.

The surgery took a few hours and it was nerve-wracking for everyone. Louis was given a few medicines and his breathing was back to normal but every breath he took was stressful as hell, all everyone could think about was Harry. They waited outside the OT the whole time Harry was being operated. This operation was stressful for the surgeons too, of course they were experienced but one minor mistake and everything could go wrong. During the operation Amy made her way inside the OT and back outside anxiously several times making sure everything was alright, she couldn't handle losing Harry after Niall. Anne and Des were there all night and so was Louis, he had been sitting there for a few hours now writing something in his notebook every now and then.




a/n: Happy New Years Y'all, it's finally 2021 not that its all suddenly gonna be better but 2020 did suck. Anyway one more chapter to go omg, i wanted this to be the last chapter but I got too attached to harry's character I dont wanna end it so well i decided to break the chapters which is why this one is a little shorter. I hope u liked it and dont forget to check out my other fic. I've gotten over 200 reads and I'm very grateful I love you all so much. The last chapter will be up on Tuesday. Dont forget to vote and leave you're feedback

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