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The next morning Louis had woken up earlier than usual, for some reason he just couldn't sleep. He decided not to waste any more time and be productive. He quickly got out of his bed and and walked towards the bathroom, he took his time washing his face and brushing his teeth when he heard his room door open, he walked out of the bathroom, still brushing, and he sees Amy entering his room as she drags his med cart. "Dr. Malik said you wanted to be responsible for your own regimen, dont make me regret this.", Amy says and Louis smiles at her going back to the bathroom. He then proceeds to get dressed. 

Once he's done getting ready and having his breakfast, he heard a knock on his door. He lazily walked towards the door and opened it to find Harry and Niall on the other side standing a few feet apart. Harry's wearing a surgical gown with a cap and Niall is in his casual clothes holding his skateboard. Louis gives them both a confused look at which Niall asks Louis to step out of the room so Harry can go in, no questions asked Louis does as told. Niall then tells Louis that Harry's going to arrange his med cart and the both of them have to stay outside keeping an eye. The plan seemed quite interestingly sneaky to Louis. They were keeping an eye out in the hallways when Harry peeps outside to make sure everything is going fine, they ask him to hurry up. They're just scared Amy will find them and honestly she can be scary as hell if she finds you doing something you shouldn't be doing.

Inside Louis' room Harry was quick to arrange his med cart and install the app he had created to help Louis with his treatments, he walks to his table to unplug his phone and finds a bunch of papers. He doesn't mean to be invasive but as he looks through them he finds out that they're lyrics to an unfinished song, an unfinished story. He quickly puts them back and walks out, he hands Louis his phone. "I've set up your med cart and installed an app on your phone that i built to help with my treatments, it's pretty simple I'm sure you'll figure it out.", Louis seems surprised, "Built an app? Like you built it?", Louis says. "Yeah, is it too surprising?", Harry is quick to reply. "No, you just dont seem like the type to build apps, you know.", at this Harry chuckles sarcastically and makes his way to the common bathroom before going back to his room.

Harry enters the bathroom and quickly takes his clothes off, standing there in just his boxers, he quickly washes his hands, he feels suffocated, his breathing heavy. He stops and stands there still looking at himself in the mirror. He just seems scared for a reason he is unaware of himself. He quickly finishes up without thinking about Louis so much and walks back to his room. He then gets into a comfortable pair of pyjamas and a sweatshirt, he feels cozy. His mind still stuck on Louis, the feathery haired boy just didn't leave his mind. He decided to call Niall but well let's just say even after that all he could think about was Louis. "Dont tell me for the first time in so long you're interested in someone and he's a CFer?", Niall questions him. "Who even said anything about being interested in him? I just helped him set up his med cart.", Harry says awkwardly. "Who are you trying to fool? I've known you my whole life Harry, organising his med cart is like foreplay.", Niall says with a smirk on his face. Harry is so frustrated at this point, he disconnects the call. Niall shouts on top of his lungs hoping Harry could hear him, " Dont forget your manners Harold." Harry heard him clear but didn't say anything just sat there cringing at the nickname.

Harry just sits there listening to music and humming along when he hears a text notification, to his surprise its Louis, He wastes no time and face times Louis, he picks up the call. Harry sees Louis sitting on his table writing something but he doesn't hear the aflo-vest. "Are you doing your aflo-vest?", Harry asks. "Yeah", Louis replies. "Show me.", "Cant I'm half naked.", Harry groans in frustration and says, "Ugh you're supposed to be doing you aflo-vest right now. Did u at least take your creon?", Louis seems confused. He asks, "Are those the suppositories?". "Ok, thats it i cant trust you, from now on we're doing out treatments together so i know you're actually doing them.", Louis smiles at this and says, "Aren't you just always looking for ways to spend more time with me?". Harry chuckles and disconnects the call.


Starting then Louis and Harry did every treatment together. It became a routine for them and neither of them would say it but they both enjoyed it. They both liked each other's company, maybe not the way anyone would have predicted but they sure were getting closer to being friends. Doing his treatments with Harry, Louis had learnt tons of new way to do things, like putting his pills in chocolate pudding so it doesn't taste horrible. Harry definitely had his ways to do things, to make things more fun and Louis enjoyed every minute of it. Everything was going great, they followed their routine everyday. Harry was happy he was able to get Louis' treatment back on track and well as usual Louis did not really care about his treatments, he just wanted to spend time with Harry.

One afternoon, Harry was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for his mum to arrive, she had promised she would be there. She never missed any of Harry's appointments but right now she was not doing so well herself and so Harry didn't blame her even if she didn't show up. After waiting for about half an hour, she finally arrived. Harry was lazily sipping on his g-juice when he hugged him from behind catching him off-guard. They sat there talking, soon their food arrived. "The divorce diet doesn't look so good on you mum.", Harry chuckles trying to lighten the mood. "Divorce diet? What are you even talking about?", Anne replies smugly. "You're too thin, dad needs a bath, you guys are just stealing my look.", harry says. Anne laughs at his accidentally spilling his g-juice. Both of them just sit there laughing, having fun until Anne tears up. Tears start to roll down her eyes and Harry hates it. He's always hated him mum crying, he takes her hand in his own and reassures her. "I love you so much baby.", Anne says sniffling and Harry tightens his grip and says, "I know, I love you too mum." The both of them sit there in silence and finish their food. Soon it's time for Anne to leave, she tightly hugs Harry and kisses his forehead. She bids him goodbye and leaves.




a/n: This update is a little early cuz i had time last night ahaha. I'll try to put out another chapter today. I have a science exam tomorrow so im kinda freaking out about that ahaha. Anyway i hope you liked this chapter, i honestly cannot wait to write the parts Harry and Louis fall for each other and know it. Dont forget to vote and leave your feedback.

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