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Amy stood there looking at all of them in pure anger. Niall spoke up trying to ease the tension, "Do u maybe want us to fix you a plate?", he asked Amy who let out a frustrated groan. "Niall, Harry, Louis come with me right now and the rest of you go home.", she ordered and everyone obeyed. The boys followed her giggling until she spoke up, "All of you will be confined to your rooms until we get respiratory cultures and you", she said looking at Louis who felt a little uncomfortable under her glare, "You will be transferred first thing in the morning." Harry tensed at this and jumped to justify, "Amy, Amy no, it wasn't his fault." Amy was quick to reply, "Well you might be willing to play with your lives but I'm not." Niall scoffs at this and says, "Just like when we were kids.", Amy stops walking and looks at Niall, "But you arent kids anymore Niall.", he smiled and replies, "But i promise we were safe like you taught us to be." Amy scoffs at this and walks off, Niall makes his way to his room and so do Harry and Louis.

Harry and Louis go back to their rooms and get changed. They then brush their teeth and get ready for bed until Harry decided to give Louis a call. He lay on his bed sideways and grabbed his laptop face timing him. He waited for about two minutes until Louis picked up and lay on his bed the same way Harry did. They talked for a while about everything and nothing until Harry fell asleep and Louis said, "I'll let you sleep then. Good night." and disconnected the call going to sleep himself.

Amy was sitting at her quarters preparing for Louis' transfer when one of the other nurses hands her a coffee and says, "It's safer if he goes, you know", Amy nods and replies, "Yeah I guess our right but he's gonna hate me." thats when the emergency button goes off from Niall's room. "He's probably on the call button again", Amy says and the other nurse insists to take it from here. She slowly walks to Niall's room and knocks. As no one answers she opens the door and finds Niall collapsed on the floor, she quickly calls out to the other nurses saying "We have a code blue, hurry". Amy rushes to Niall's room along with a few other people. Soon doctors arrived and were trying to help but he had no pulse and he wasn't breathing. 

By this time Louis and Harry were out of their rooms standing in front of Niall's closed door, confused. A few moments later the door opened, Amy along with a few nurses and Dr. Malik were on the floor sitting next to Niall's lying body. "NO", Harry screamed as tears started rolling down his face. "I'm sorry", Amy said as she sobbed holding Niall's hand. Harry stood there not being able to move, he couldn't believe this was actually happening. He couldn't take it anymore so her ran to his room and Louis followed him worried what he might do. He couldn't be left along right now.

Harry sprinted to his room while crying his eyes out. He stood by the door crying and saw Louis come in. "He's gone Louis. Liam's never gonna see him again, his parents are never gonna see him again, I'm never gonna see him again.", he said and cried harder. "I never hugged him. He's my best friend Louis and I never fucking hugged him.", Louis didn't know what to do or say so he decided to fight back his tears because he knew he had to stay strong for Harry. "It's like I'm losing everyone", Harry said and Louis moved forward "You're not losing me Haz", he says and reaches out to his shoulder not entirely realising what he's doing. 

As Louis touched his shoulder, Harry's moves away looking at Louis, "What are you doing?", Louis moves back realising what he's done. "Get out", Harry says to him and he opens his mouth to reply when Harry repeats and asks him to leave again. He sadly walks out and Harry walks to the door to close it. He's still crying but now he's all alone for real now. He cried and made a mess of his room, he threw his books and messed up his med cart, pulled out all the drawings on his walls. That was when he found the jar Niall had given to him when he apologised, he fell on the floor with the jar in his hands. He sobbed harder as he pulled the jar to his chest not wanting to let it go, hoping somehow Niall would come back.

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