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After Harry disconnected the call, Louis was pretty bummed about it but he was curious about what had happened to Harry's sister that he didn't want to tell Louis about it. So Louis visits Harry's youtube page looking for something about his sister when he finds a vlog which says "ft. Gemma", as he clicks on the video, his door flies open, he quickly turns his head to see Zayn and Perrie standing by the door looking at him. He instructs them to come in and they sit down on  either sides of the bed.

They continue watching the video with Louis and realise that Gemma stopped showing up any videos after about a year ago, thats when Perrie says, "I found  Gemma Instagram, I mean its mostly about books, Harry and an older woman who I'm guessing is their mum but yeah she hasn't posted in over a year." Louis' confused but he's also curious, he wants to know what happened to Harry's sister that it triggered him so much. He decides to talk to Harry about it, with that thought in his mind he walks to his room and find no one. He wonders where Harry could be after a conversation where he almost broke down and the first place that pops up in Louis mind is the meditation room on the third floor, he quickly takes the lift and walks towards the meditation room.

As he opens the door, he finds Harry sitting in one corner of the room, mediating. There was slow, soothing music playing and Louis could already feel himself calm down and loosen up. He slowly walks towards Harry and sits down just a few feet away. As Louis sits down, Harry looks at him and says, "Amy didn't see you come in, right?", Louis quickly replies, "No". As he sits in front of Harry, he just looks at him waiting for him to say something but when he doesn't Louis says, "Gemma's dead, isn't she?", he regrets it the moment the words leave his mouth because they came out a lot more rude than he had thought. Harry slowly opens his eyes and says, "Arent you as delicate as a jackhammer?", Louis scoffs and replies, "Delicacy? We dont have time for that Harry we are dying, every minute of every day.", "Can you stop reminding me I'm dying for one god damn day?", Harry says angrily. "I know i'm dying, i have been practically dying all my life, we celebrated every birthday like it was the last, then as you mentioned Gemma dies and my parents marriage dies. It was supposed to be me not Gemma. Now I just can't die and not even for myself, my parents I- I just cant die.", Harry says with tears in his eyes. Louis looks at him sadly and before he knows what's happening he says, "Is that why you're so obsessed with your regimen? You're not scared of death, you have survivors guilt." Harry looks up to him and he can feel anger building up in his stomach, "You think this is easy? I dont have a goddamn choice Louis.", Harry says. "But you do have a choice, you're just so into feeling guilty you dont want to see the other option." "You know what forget it, you're never going to understand, just let it be.", Harry says and storms out of the room. Louis sits there with his face in his hands thinking about what he had just done.




After Harry storms out of the room, he quickly walks to the reception area and finds Niall sitting on one of the sofas. Niall looks at him with concern and says, "Hey, hey Harry whats wrong?", Harry looks at Niall as he sits on another sofa. "Ok now calm down and tell me what happened.", Niall repeats as Harry tells him all about his conversation with Louis. Niall had been there when Gemma had passed away, he knew it was never easy for Harry to talk about it, he also knew Harry blamed himself for all of it. Niall slowly takes a few steps towards Harry still maintaining a safe distance and says, "I know its hard but trust me i dont think he meant to hurt you Harry.", "But he said Gemma and dead in the same sentence like its no big deal.", Harry replies while fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "I should've been there, it had to be me not her.", Harry says and Niall replies, "Hey no dont put it on yourself, you couldn't know, no one could. This disease is fucking prison, i really want to hug you right, just pretend I'm doing it." Harry smiles at Niall and says, "I love you." and Niall replies, "I love you too. Now wanna go get some ice-cream." Harry's face lights up like a child on a Christmas morning and he nods. They both leave the reception and walk towards the cafeteria to get ice-cream. 

Harry has been getting constant calls and texts from Louis which he had been ignoring. He figured Louis wanted to apologise but even though Harry now knew he had no intention of hurting him, he still couldn't get over it. He was sitting his room, with a stinging pain around his g-tube, he was worried that the infection might have increased. That is when Dr. Malik comes into his room for a daily check up. She lifts his shirt to see reddened skin around the g-tube. She quickly says, "The infection seems to have increased, we will have to change the tube or else theres chances os sepsis.", as she tells Harry all this she notices him tensing up. Harry had never had a surgery without Gemma by his side, he was scared for this one. Dr. Malik reaches out for him and says, "I know its risky but you're a fighter, u always have been.", Harry gives her a small smile and she leaves.  Once she's gone, he loudly sighs and falls down on his bed, his eyes still filled with tears. He stays that way for a while until he hears a knock on his door, he slowly gets up from his bed and opens the door. As he peeps outside he finds Louis standing there. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you-", Harry stops him mid-sentence and says, "It's ok, you're forgiven.", Louis smiles at Harry and says, "Why did u miss the treatment today?", Harry looks down and says, "G-tube infection, Dr. Malik says it needs to be replaced, I'm going under general.", Louis looks at Harry in confusion. "General? Are your lungs up for that?", Harry shrugs at this and tells Louis to do his aflo-vest on time. Louis nods and Harry closes the door. He walks back to his bed and lays down trying to get some sleep before the surgery next morning.




a/n: Ah pls kill me i feel so terrible for killing Gemma, why did Stella's sister have to die couldnt it have been an injury. Please 5 feet apart killed me 500 times. Anyway i hope u liked this chapter, i'm working on another fic with the like the BEST PERSON EVER ahah 

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