Chapter 8: To Mend With Time

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Song: Haven Lea by Lists

A/N: Hey guys, hope the new year is going great for you all =D I think I'll stick to a schedule of 1 chapter per month, but if I manage to get more chapters written I'll definitely update more. Thanks for sticking around, it's amazing how many people are still reading! <3

Jason didn't wake up until 1 pm that afternoon.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Yeah, much better," he answered sheepishly. Quickly, he changed the topic. "Is Vance still asleep?"

"He isn't feeling well today." Vance told me that he needed some time alone so I'm guessing he wasn't going to be leaving our room anytime soon.

"And Beth?"

"She never came back and still won't answer any of my messages," I sighed.

"And what about Yousef? Where did he go?"

"He said that he had a friend's birthday party to go to, so he left a while ago."

"What friend? We have the same friends."

I shrugged, not knowing what to say. "Maybe they're a family friend or a friend from his Mosque."

"Zaavan, I'm really worried about Yousef," he said, quickly sitting down across from me.

I bit my lip. Jason should really be more concerned about himself.

"Why is that?" I asked, hoping to ease some of his anxiety.

"Did you see him yesterday? He looked sick and exhausted and I'm pretty sure he's not eating properly. Normally, he's so cheery and positive but lately, he's been way more quiet than usual. Plus, he won't come and hang out with me or our friends anymore and he never replies to his messages. He started coming back to classes, but he doesn't even seem like he's really there," he exclaimed in a panicked voice.

"Jason, I'm sure he's just stressed over school."

"He wore sweatpants yesterday. I didn't even know he owned a pair!"

"I'm sure he was just tired..." That was one thing that I didn't have an explanation for.

"Zaavan, I think he's doing drugs," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

A wave of worry washed over me, but I managed to stay calm and rationalize.

"Jace, there are other more reasonable explanations for his behaviour. Besides, his parents are insanely religious and he's pretty religious himself so I doubt he'd do drugs. If anything, there's no way he'd get away with doing drugs - his parents would kill him."

With tears in his eyes, Jason shook his head. "I saw needles and a vial in the trash bin in his room."

I opened my mouth, but the words wouldn't come out. Yousef taking drugs? That seemed absurd but then again, so did the idea of my boyfriend throwing a stool at me.

"Maybe it was insulin?" I tried.

"He's not diabetic. Besides, why would he hide something like that from me? And it doesn't add up with the way he's acting."

"What did the label on the vial say?"

"I didn't get a chance to read it, it was turned the other way. I almost dug it out of the trash can but then he entered the room. Maybe I should go back and check again..."

"Jason, I don't think Yousef is the one you should be worrying about," I said softly.

His eyes widened in panic. "Are you okay?"

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