Chapter 3: The Little Things

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Song: Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John

I hate work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I just hate the people I work with.

"Well, well, well. I'd never thought I'd see the day that Zaavan Fleetwood was almost late for work," teased the dark-haired Chinese woman that greeted me as I entered the police station.

"Long night," I grumbled. Jacquelyn Shen was the only exception. She had dark brown eyes and a mouth shaped in a permanent scowl. It was probably for best - with her petite and slender build and her flawless skin, she looked much younger than her actual age of 25.

"Hmm...looks like someone had a lot of fun last night," smirked Jacquelyn, casually blowing a strand of her straight, black shoulder length hair away from her face.

I rolled my eyes, knowing very well what she was implying. "No, my younger sister that I haven't seen or spoken to for the past 5 years showed up at my apartment last night, so it was pretty hectic night."

"Hold up - you have a sister? How come you've never told me this?"

"Because she's a demon child and I don't want anything to do with her. End of story."

Jacquelyn, being the smart girl she is, wasn't convinced. "So you told her to go away then, right?" she asked slowly.

"No Jacquelyn, she's my sister. You more than anyone should know that I couldn't just send her away." Jacquelyn hummed in agreement. She was brought up with the belief that family came first. Though I'd have to admit it was easier for her, speaking that she has a wonderful family that she's very close with. Jacquelyn might appear to be cold sometimes, but it was only because she had to be. She's an Asian woman who isn't very tall or muscular working as a cop. She has to be tough or she would never get the same respect a white male cop does.

There was a brief silence as Jacquelyn seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"What's on your mind," I asked.

"Zaavan, I need to tell you something. I'm transferring to a different branch in a couple of months."

"Oh," I responded, trying my best to remain calm.

"I applied and got the job, so I'm taking it."

"Well congratulations, that's great! I'm really going to miss you." Miss is an understatement. Jacquelyn was the only person here who wasn't a total ass. I'd known her since I started out and she was the only one who didn't care that I'm gay and intersex. I never brought it up and she never asked. Jacquelyn just treated me like a normal person - she didn't even bat an eyelash when I introduced Vance to her as my boyfriend.

"Just one more thing: there's another opening and I really think you should apply for it. I can email you the details and I'll even put in a good word for you."

"I can't afford to leave, Jacquelyn," I sighed. "Besides, this station is closer to Vance and Jason's universities, to my aunt and Vance's dad and brother. Plus, sometimes I have to pick up Vance's nephews from school so their school will be far too..."

"Zaavan! Stop making excuses and get it together. I've been working here for 3 years and I'm still a patrol officer. I want to be a detective, but they won't promote me. Everyone moves up after a year. Don't you think it's strange that you and I are the only ones who never got promoted after a year? You know, I moved here from China nearly 6 years ago and after I graduated college I've barely moved up in my career. Besides, I didn't start working here to be treated like this. I'm transferring because I need to make some changes in my life and frankly Zaavan, you do too. I'll send you the link tonight and you can read it and think about it, but I'm sure you know what the best thing to do is."

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