Chapter 1: The End Of Normality

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Song: Hard Times by Paramore

Today was the last normal day that I could remember.

When I entered the dimly lit film studio, I couldn't help but slightly groan: there were way too many people here. But hey, at least Zaavan would be happy.

"Hey Vance! Over here!" I turned to find a grinning Jason frantically waving his arms. Smiling, I quickly made my way to my designated seat.

"Hey guys," I said as I took my seat. "Damn, Yousef. You do know that we're part of an off-stage studio audience, right?" I teased.

Yousef, Jason's best friend, let out a laugh. "You sound like my mom: 'are you going to school or for a fashion show?'" he mimicked, using his best impression of a Pakistani accent.

"I swear though, he always puts us all to shame," joked Jason, gesturing to his black sweatpants and white hoodie.

Yousef didn't dress extravagantly or anything, he just always made the effort to dress up. For instance, today, he was wearing a green and white striped rugby shirt which he had tucked into a pair of fitted black jeans. As for jewelry, he had on a thin chain around his neck with a ring or two on his fingers. To top it all off, he was wearing a chunky silver watch on his wrist. His hair was always carefully brushed to the side and his beard neatly trimmed. See what I mean?

As Jason and Yousef cheerfully chatted away, I took in my surroundings. It was a typical film studio, like many of the others we've been too. Fancy microphones and high-tech cameras surrounded the studio, pointing to a stage where 2 chairs and a desk stood.

I sighed, impatiently checking the time on my phone. There were too many people here and I had an assignment due tonight, along with a 9 am lecture in the morning. But I was here for Zaavan and for him, I'd wait all night.

"Shhh! It's starting!" whispered Jason excitedly, while lightly smacking Yousef on the leg. I looked up and saw Zaavan taking a seat across Brian Miller, the host of the show.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Zaavan was pretty relaxed and confident, that he was beyond ecstatic to be speaking in front of a large crowd of people on live television. But I did know better. No matter how many times he did this, he still gets nervous.

Within a couple of minutes, the show had begun.

"Hello and welcome back to Weeknights with Brian. This week's guest is both an Intersex cop and a LGBTQ+ rights activist. Let's give a warm welcome to Zaavan Fleetwood."

My heart felt as though it was about to burst with joy as the beautiful boy that took my breath away for all these years smiled with happiness.

As I clapped with everyone else, I noticed a frown on Jason's face.

"Zaavan's not going to like how Brian introduced him as an 'Intersex cop,'" he sighed.

Jason did have a point. Zaavan didn't like it when people felt the need to unnecessarily highlight the fact that he's Intersex.

"I just hope that Brian doesn't eat him alive," added Yousef in a worried voice.

Before any of us could utter another word, we were hushed by a harsh "shhh" from behind.

As Brian droned on, I let my mind wander. It was nothing new, Zaavan did a lot of these.

After graduating college, Zaavan got busy. He worked 2 jobs until finally, he got a job as a uniformed police officer nearly a year ago.

Lucky for him he's done with school.

While studying during my fourth and final year as an engineering undergrad, I work part-time as a cashier at Walmart. I really want to work for NASA someday.

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