Chapter 21 - Searching

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In the Morning
Funneh's POV

I finished getting ready and walked downstairs to find Aly and Gold cooking. Aly stayed over because we didn't want her staying by herself at her house. "Good morning!" I said to the both of them as I sat down at the table.

"Morning," they both replied. "Anything from Alec..?" I asked Aly with a frown. She shook her head 'no' and sighed. "After we all go to the hospital, we can start looking for him." Gold said. We both agreed and we sat down to eat.

"Don't forget to call the school!" Aly reminded Gold. "Oh shoot!" Gold shouted and took out her phone. Gold is going to call the school and tell them about Lunar and Alec, maybe they will let us off today.

Evan's POV

I woke up from my sleep and looked around. I heard the sounds of the hospital stuff, so I looked over at Lunar. She still had her eyes closed. I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Please wake up soon.. I miss you..." I mumbled.

My phone started ringing, so I answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Evan!" I heard Funneh say. "Hey," "How is Lunar?" "Still asleep." I heard her sigh and I tuned back to Lunar.

"Well we called the school and they excused all of us for this week, so we'll be over in a bit," she explained. "Okay, i'll be waiting," I replied and she hung up. "Good morning young man," The nurse walked in and closed the door behind her. "Morning."

She walked up to Lunar and started checking the machines by her. I looked out the window and she examined the stuff. The sun was out and the wind was blowing, causing the tree branches to move around.

45 minutes later

"We're here.." I look up and towards the door, and notice Rainbow peek her head in. I stood up and walked out to the waiting room with her. "Hey Evan," they all greeted me. "How about you go back to the dorm and get ready for the day? Then we can decide who's going with who to find Alec," Gold explained to me.

I agreed with the plan and Draco handed me the keys to our dorm. "Here, your gonna need them," he said. "And here's the keys for the car," Kyran gave me the car keys. I smiled and walked away from them.

Alec's POV



My eyes opened fast and I sat up. "LUNAR!" I shouted and looked around my surroundings. Where is Lunar?! I looked around closely.. this room is very empty. Then it hit me, I remember this room... Yandere showed me it when I started working for her.

"YANDERE!!" I shouted and stood fast, I ran to the door and knocked really hard. The door opened and I was about to walk out when a knife pointed to me. "BACK AWAY!!" I backed away slowly and Yandere walked inside.

"WHERE IS LUNAR?!" I shouted furiously. She chuckled and glared at me, "Hospital." My hands turned into fists, IM ABOUT TO PUNCH THIS BITCH. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME" she pointed to knife towards my neck... and I calmed down.

"This is all apart of my plan Alec Red, she won't remember a single. thing." she said and started laughing like crazy. I backed away and crossed my arms. "But you, your never leaving, and they will never find you. Killing you would be to easy," she turned around and walked out to the room laughing.

Why did you leave me?|| Itsfunneh + Krew + YHS || Book 1 || {COMPLETE}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt