Chapter 13 - Getting Ready

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Gold's POV

I arrived at the dorm and walked inside. Funneh was on the couch on her phone, right when she saw me walk in she ran over to me. "GOLD GUESS WHAT!!" she shouted with a smile. "What?!" I shouted back, acting like I didn't know. "Guess what happened while you went to Kyrans!!" she shouted again jumping. "What happened?!" I asked."Alec called me and asked me out on a date!" she exclaimed. "OMG REALLY?!" I asked jumping.

"YES!!" "AHH!" we both started jumping. "Can I get you ready again?!" I asked. "Duh!" she said and playfully punched my arm. "Ouch!" I shouted dramatically and we started laughing. "He said like around 3, so we have all morning," she said. "Ooo okay!" I smiled.

2 hours later

I was in my room just scrolling through insta when suddenly I got a facetimes call from Kyran. "Hey!" I smiled as I answered the phone. "Hi!" he smiled back. "What's up?" I asked. "Okay so I know your getting Funenh ready, and Alec just asked me to help him get ready," he started off. I stared at the wall as he explained. I think I know where he's going with this. "So I was thinking, let's make them match," he said with an evil smile. "I knew you were going to say that!" I giggled.

"So what are we going to make them wear?" he asked. "Hmm, how about a purple hoodie? Blue and Red makes purple," I smirked and we both laughed. "That's true, and maybe some black jeans?" he suggested. "Yes! And any shoes, cause why not," I giggled. "On it! This is gonna fun," he said and we both laughed. "Well i'll let you get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled. "Okay see you tomorrow!" I said. "Good night and sweet dream!" he said and hung up.

I put my phone down and looked out of my window. "No guy was ever nice enough to say Good night or sweet dream.." I mumble. Ky is so sweet. I giggled and got up to get ready for bed.

In the Morning (10:20am)
Lunar's POV

I finally finished getting ready for the day and looked in the mirror. I put on a baggy black long sleeve shirt and a black skirt. I also wore my black boots and a dark purple heart pin in my hair. I grabbed my phone and started walking downstairs. I saw Rainbow on the couch, but didn't bother talking to her. She's still pretty mad from last night. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and walked over to the table.

I ate my cereal and scrolled through insta. While I was scrolling, I get a text from Evan. "Hey want to hangout later :P" shit I have to go to Yanderes. "Sure, but I have to do something before we can -.-" I texted back. I put my phone down and took the bowl to the sink. I walked over to Rainbow and she didn't bother looking at me.

"I know your still mad but you can't be mad for ever you know," I said putting my hands on my hips. She still didn't take her eyes off the TV. "Never mind just keep acting like a kid," I shouted and walked back to the table to get my phone. "Oh now i'm a kid?!" she asked, turning around. I looked her and rolled my eyes, "Yes. Your acting like a 7 year old," I said. "Ha! You're the one who can't just let me like someone," she said getting up.

"How many times do I have to tell you! I'm trying to protect you!" I shouted crossing my arms. "Keep your stupid excuse. Senpai isn't a bad guy, nothing is going to happen to me!" she shouted back at me. "I know he isn't! I'm not worried about him!" I said. "Sure! Your just jealous," she said turning back to the TV. "THATS SO FUNNY!! Why would I be  jealous?!" I shouted.

"I know you are," she mumbled. "Your jealous my relationship with him could actually work! All of you past relationships never worked out for you. Maybe you were the problem the whole time." I froze and my eyes widen. She took that too far. I grabbed my bag and walked out that door. I slammed the door and call Celeste. "Pick me up early," I said pissed off. "On my way," she said and hung up.

Funneh's POV

"GOLD!" I shouted as she pulled my hair. "IM SORRY! YOUR HAIR IS SO TANGLED!"she shouted back trying to brush my hair. "Jeez, at least be careful!" I said. After she finally finished brushing it, she took out her wand. "I think this time it should be curled," she said as she plugged it in. "Whatever you think is best," I shrugged.

30 minutes later

"Thank goodness your hair isn't that long," she turned off the wand. She pulled out some hair spray and started spraying it on. "Stand up," she said and I got up. She looksd at me up and down and smiled. "I think we're done," she smiled. "Can I look in the mirror now?" I asked. "Mhm!"

I looked in her mirror and started smiling. She chose a purple hoodie, and my black jeans that are ripped from my knees. I also put on my all black converse. She put on some fake lashes and lip gloss on me, not to much makeup. "Wow I look so pretty," I smiled. "You always are!" she hugged me. "Right now it's.. 11:30, want to get breakfast?" I asked. "Sure!" she giggled.

Rainbow's POV

What in the world is getting into Lunar. She's trying to control my life now. She's just jealous of Senpai and I. I turn off the TV and looked outside, I saw Lunar getting into that girls car. They drove off and I rolled my eyes. Let me check on Funneh and Gold, people who SUPPORT ME. I grabbed my phone and started walking out of the door.

Their dorm is next to mine so not a long walk, I knocked on their door. Gold opened it, "Hi! Come in," she giggled and walked to the kitchen. I closed the door and sat with them at the table. "Do you want to eat?" Funneh asked. "No im fine," I giggled. "Oh okay!" she said. "You look really pretty," I said with a smile. "She has a date~" Gold teased. "Oooo," I giggled. "Stoppp" Funneh rolled her eyes. Gold and I laughed and continued to tease her.

Draco's POV

All the guys and I were at Kyran's dorm trying to help Alec out. "Whatever you say has to come from the heart," Evan said. "Thats what I told him yesterday," Kyran laughed. I look over at Alec who was just looking out the window. I looked out the window as well to see what he was staring at. It was Lunar driving off in that red car again. "Um Alec are you listening?" Evan snapped his fingers.

Alec shook his head and looked over at Evan. "Huh, yeah," Alec said scratching his head. "Ok so mission Falec is set," Kyran smirked. Alec rolled his eyes, "Shut up." We all laughed and walked over to the couch.

Yandere's POV

"Coming," I said as I walked over to the door. I opened it and saw Lunar, Celeste, and Elijah. "We decided to come early," Celeste said, looking at Lunar. I looked over at her, she was pissed. "Come in," I said and led them to the living room. They sat down and I just stood there, "Why are you mad?" I asked. "Rainbow," Lunar glared out the window. I started smiling, "What happened?"

after explaining

"So that's why I left the house early. Doing
your stupid request was dumb. Plus she still likes him," she said rolling her eyes. "Ok then, Elijah.. you know what to do," I smirked. Lunar looked at me scared, "What are you going to do!" she asked. "You don't need to know that," I smiled.

Yeah this one was rushed a bit. Next one will be the date. Comment and vote! stay safe :)

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