Chapter 12 - Argument

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Alec's POV

I saw Lunar and froze. "ALEC?!" she shouted. Yandere just stood there looking at us serious. "L-Lunar!" I shouted. "That's why you left? Do you also work for Yandere?!" she asked as she got even more pissed off. She stood up and walked over to me. "I-" "and to think I trusted you with Funneh. You must also be a killer!" She shouted in frustration. "He only gets rid of the footage that places capture of us," Celeste said as she walked over to us.

Lunar finally calmed down a minute later, "I'm still mad. I don't want someone like YOU with Funneh," she turned away from me. "Your basically working for Yandere too!" I shouted. She turned around and faced me, "I am not." "Technically you kind of are," Celeste shrugged. Lunar froze looking down at her shoes. There was silence for about 2 minutes.

"Now that you know. You don't say a word to anyone." Yandere said, glaring at Lunar. Lunar shook her head 'yes' and looked back down. I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder. "I know you don't like it, but this is our job now.." I whispered and she sighed. "We're covering up for a murderer, our friends are going to hate us," she mumbled. "I'm glad they haven't found out I work for her... I started off like you, a friend and then she told me everything and threatened me," I said.

"She just threaten me earlier.." she whispered. I looked around and noticed the others were in the kitchen talking. "Soon we can quit," I said and she noddd her head. "Also.. you left Funneh pretty upset," she mumbled. I feel bad. "Now I know why you always leave," she shrugged. "Wait. Is she always upset?" I asked worried. "Yeah.. she likes you a lot you know," she smirked. My eyes widen. Funneh likes me?!

"You know, I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend.. maybe i'll do it soon," I said and she started fangirling. "OMG REALLY?!" she shouted. "Yep," I laughed and she started smiling. "Keep her happy will ya?" she put her hand on my shoulder. "You make her really happy and I hope you guys workout," she smiled. I nodded my head and smiled, "I will."

2 hours later
Lunar's POV

"Thanks for the ride!" I smiled as I closed the car door. "Yandere's Tomorrow," Celeste reminded me before driving off. I started walking toward my dorm and remembered what happened at Yandere's. I work for her now... I never thought I would be working with a murderer. I just want to tell the police, but I can't... if I tell ANYONE she will hurt my friends and I. I sigh and continued walking. Now I have to talk to Rainbow. I finally get to the dorm and open the door.

I found Rainbow watching 'Finding Dory' in the living room. She turned around, "Hi Lunar!" "Hey," I said as I closed the door. I put my bag down and walked over to the living room and saw down next to her. Should I do it now..? "Hey Rainbow.." I said. She looked over at me and smiled, "Yes?" "Um.. we have to talk," I said. She paused the movie and sat up. "About?" she asked looking confused.

"You like Senpai right...?" I let out looking down. "Yeah! He's super sweet, and caring, and really cute!" she giggled and I started sweating a bit. Oh no. "I don't think he's the one for you..." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "What why?!" she asked and I finally look up at her. She was looking at me confused.

"I don't know.. you should try another guy" I shrugged and she looked at me a bit mad. "I need a good reason Lunar Eclipse," she got up and crossed her arms. I got up as well and look at her, "I just don't like him for you. You can date another boy," I said. "You aren't going to tell me who I can and can't like," she said angry and I looked at her. "Well I just don't think he's the one for you," I said trying to stay calm.

Why did you leave me?|| Itsfunneh + Krew + YHS || Book 1 || {COMPLETE}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon