Chapter 8 - New friends

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Funneh's POV

Gold, Lunar, Rainbow and I were about to head to school when we heard Evan and Draco shouting at us. "Wait for us!" they caught up to us, they started walking with us. "How did you guys sleep," Draco asked smiling. "Good," we all replied. "Hey guys," Kyran said as he walked up to us. "Now all we're missing is Alec and-" "Heyooo," Aly shouted as her and Alec caught up to us. "Good morning," Alec said. "I'm so tired," I yawned. "Did you stay up late?" Alec asked, looking over at me. I started blushing a little.

"Well Gold and I got starbucks yesterday and I couldn't sleep till 12," I explained, yawning again. "I'll carry you, it's not that far," Alec smiled. "Oooo," everyone goes. I started blushing red, "You don't have to!" But he didn't take no as an answer, he carried me on his back. I giggled and held on tight. "Your so light," he laughed. Gold and Kyran high-fived, and Rainbow smiled. "Ok you two," Aly giggled. "I'm watching you," Draco glared at Alec. We all started laughing, Alec looked at Draco terrified.

We arrived to the school and I jumped off his back, "Thanks again!" I smiled. "Not a problem," he smiled back. "Hey Rainbow!" Senpai said as he walked up to us. "Oh hi Senpai!" she said. "I don't think we've met," he said as he looksd at Lunar and Draco. "Yeah we're new too," Draco laughed. "I'm Lunar, he's Draco" Lunar crossed her arms. "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Senpai," he smiled.

Lunar's POV

As Senpai was introducing himself, I spotted a girl from the corner of my eye. She was just staring at us. I looked closely then noticed it was the girl from yesterday, Yandere was it? Hmm, I should talk to her. "I'll be back," I said as walked off. "Where she going?" I heard Draco whisper. "I noticed you staring at us," I said, she looked up from her phone. "Hmm? Oh I wasent," she smiled. Thats a fake smile. "You sure?" I asked. "Mhm!" I looked back at the others then back at her, "Well do you want to be friends?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, sure." She then looked down at her phone and back at me. "I have to do something," she said. Started walking away, she's kind of suspicious. "Can I join?" I asked, crossing my arms. She looked back, "I guess?" she mumbled, I followed behind her as she walked away again. "Just don't go being a snitch to your friends." she said. "Trust me I won't," I rolled my eyes. "Lunar was it?" she asked. "Yeah." "I like you attitude, maybe you won't be so annoying," she chuckled. "I could say the same to you," I laughed.

We walked up to a red race car, first thing I noticed was a two people in the car. "Aren't you in school? Why don't you just text me," the female asked, not looking up from her phone. "Because, now.. did you do it?" Yandere asked annoyed. The female finally looked up, her eyes went straight to me. I crossed my arm and looked down at my shoes. "Who is she?" she asked. "A friend, now answer my-" "What's your name?" the male asked, I looked up at him, he smirked. He had one orange eye, and one dark blue eye. Cool. "Why does it matter?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oo feisty, I like it," he smirked.

"Stop flirting with her Elijah." Yandere rolled her eyes. Maybe they aren't so bad, I could see myself being friends with them. "This is Lunar, now answer the damn question," she said angrily. My eyes widen and so does theirs. "Chill! I did it and so did he. Don't worry," the female shouted. "Okay good, stop by my house later for the money." Yandere said. "Yeah yeah, well I'm Celeste," the girl looks at me. "And you can call me your next boyfriend," Elijah smirked. I roll my eyes and Celeste smacked him in the back of the head. Celeste and I laughed and Yandere looked at us three all serious.

"You should come to Yandere's too, I'd like to get to know you more," Celeste smiled. "Me too," Elijah winked at me. "You can come over if you'd like," Yandere shrugged. "Well I have nothing else to do," I smiled. "Okay, well we should head to class now," Yandere said, I nodded my head. "Okay, catch you later," Celeste drove off. "See it's like your one of us," Yandere fake smiled again. "Yeah.." I agreed as we started walking to class.

Evan's POV

"So with your lab partner, you will be doing an experiment," the teacher announced. I looked over at the empty chair, "Where is she.." I mumbled. "One of you can come up and collect the materials, once you get them you guys may start. You will have 35 minutes," she said then took a seat at her desk. I guess i'll do it alone, I walked to the front to get all the materials needed. I walked back to the table and started reading the instructions. The door opened and I looked up quickly. It was Lunar!  "Sorry im late," she said as she closed the door.

"It's fine! Ask your partner for instructions," the teacher said and Lunar started walking to the table. "Sorry im late, I was with Yandere," she explained as she sat down. "Oh it's fine, what we're you two doing?" I asked being the nosey person I am. "That you do NOT need to know," she smirked, taking the instructions out of my hand. "Woah there, chill tiger," I winked. She rolled her eyes and looked back at the paper she took from me.

20 minutes later

"Andddd we're done!" Lunar said as we put our hands down. We high-fived and laughed. "That was pretty easy," I smiled. "Yep!" she giggled. I blushed a little. DID I JUST BLUSH?! WHAT THE HECKKKKK, I MET HER LIKE THREE DAYS AGO!! "You okay dude?" she asked as she felt my face. "Huh?!" I asked confused. "Your turning red," she said. "I am? Oh it's just hot," I looked away quick. "Oh okay." I already like her...?

Ooo Yandere and Lunar getting somewhat along? Hmmm. Well make sure to comment what you think and stay safe guys! <3 (I find it funny how I always say this when I get no reads LOL! well hopefully I will one day)

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