7. Marauder's Map

Start from the beginning

"We best hurry Filch is heading this way" Fred said.

"Oh and Harry." George begun "don't forget when you're done just give it a tap and say..."

"'Mischief managed.' Or anyone can read it." They say together.

"Bye Harry we all say." Waking off I look between them both.

"I know youse are twin but damn finishing each others sentences off is confusing even for me." I laugh. "And I have known you both for the last five years"

"We know." They say in unison.

"Stop it." I say and we all start laughing.

"Anyway isn't it time for us to go down to hogsmead now that we've built the snowman?" I ask them both.

"Yeah or I could do this!" Fred picks up a pile of snow and dumps it on top of me. They both laugh at me.

"You are so dead! Weasley!" I shout at him and I start throwing snow balls at him, I then see George walk up behind him and dump snow on him and I start laughing as he looks as cold as I feel.

"All v all!" I shout taking cover from the boys throwing snowballs at them both as the go into separate hiding areas to make snowballs and we all then run out smacking each other with snow balls I got one right in Fred's face.

"That's it Avery!" He picks me up and dumps me in a pile of snow George then pushes him on top and start throwing snowballs at the both of us.

I started to warm up a little from Fred's body heat and we look each other in the eyes and we draw our faces closer together into a soft kiss which warmed me up a bit.

"Eww if I knew youse would be like this I would of went with the others." Then Fred and I gave him a look.

"You could of you know." I say to him as Fred gets up and offers me a hand to pull me up.

I take Fred's hand and he lifts me up and I start shivering. "Cold?" He asks me.

"Is it obvious?" I ask him.

We are walking back to the common room when I see my sister Lucinda with her friend Pansy Parkinson and some other girls I didn't know, I smiled at her and she just ignored me and said something to them. And I hold Fred's hand tighter as we walk by them.

"Do you still not talk to her?" One of the girls asked her.

"No, I don't like to associate myself with blood traitors." She says like I even care, she is so brainwashed by our parents it's funny, I kind of do she's meant to be my little sister and she is saying stuff like that.

Once we are out of earshot Fred asks "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just cold."

——— time skip ———

Fred, George and I are sitting in the common room after getting changed when Fred handed me a jumper, which was one that Molly had knitted with a massive F on it. "Fred is this your way of telling everyone else that I'm yours?" I ask him

"I guess it is." He said smirking.

As he finished talking we see all of our friends come in the look at the three of us.

"Where have you three been?" Jack asked.

"Well we started building a snowman" Fred said.

"Then we helped Harry with something" George said.

"And we then had a massive snowball fight which ended up with my covered in snow." I laugh.

"I see you have a new jumper?" Alicia said looking at the jumper Fred had gave me minutes before.

"Oh yeah, like it?" I stand up and show them all.

"Well if no one knew which Weasley twin you are dating they do now." Lee chuckled.

"You have a point Lee at least there won't be any confusion anymore." I say laughing and go and sit back next to Fred.

The others come and sit with us all and tell us how hogsmead was, it sounded like they had fun and there was another trip at the beginning of December I'll have to do all my Christmas shopping then.

We all then go to dinner at the great hall as it wasn't formal people kind of came and went. I walked in with Fred holding his hand and still wearing the jumper is was quite comfy maybe I'll keep it.

I heard someone from the Slytherin table say something to my older brother, "she doesn't have any shame does she?" It was Adrian Pucey he was the same age as the twins and myself and our families want us to get married after our seventh year has finished and I had one word for it...


"No, wait until my parents hear about this" I hear Austin reply to him as we walk to the Gryffindor table I glare at them all, as if I care about what those idiots think.

We sat down and began eating I didn't eat much I didn't feel that hungry more anxious than anything, I had a feeling between Austin and Lucinda my parents were keeping tabs on me.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Melody whispers to me, she was sat on the either side of me and Jack sitting next to her.

"Yeah, I think I might be coming down with something I don't feel too well." I whisper back "I'm going to get and early night tonight I think."

"Good idea." She reply's.

We all finished our dinners and we were one of the last groups to make it to the common room,  the others sat in our normal spot and I stayed standing.

"Right I'm off to bed." I say and all of them but Melody look at me in surprise.

"I'm tired and feel like I'm coming down with something." I tell them.

"Okay goodnight." They all day apart from Fred, he stands up and places his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight my love, sleep well, if you need me come and wake me up okay?"

"Yes darling, goodnight I love you." I say walking up the stairs and I hear Fred say "I love you too."

I get into bed and I toss and turn and I can't sleep after a while I decide I'm going back down the stairs. I look at the clock and it was about an hour later.

"I can't sleep".  I say as I sit on top of Fred.

"Are you okay?" He asks me as everyone else is still in their conversations.

"You know me Freddie I'm always fine." I tell him even though I wasn't.

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