26|The Visit

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"What the....? Please don't be what I think it is, please."
The peaceful lunch was all forgotten at once, that the male had been leisurely enjoying, as he glanced up at the monitoring screen, in front of which he'd been perched since early morning.

Yeonwool screamed at the top of his lungs, wanting to get attention of atleast one of his hyungs as fast as possible.

Hyungsik, who was taking a break from his job, having handed it over to Yeonwool, still had his ears trained in the direction of the basement, particularly towards his monitoring room.

So it came as no suprise as he barged into the room first, closely followed by Jihan, Minho, and Seojoon.

"What happened?"
Seojoon asked from where he was standing near the doorframe as the room was quite small, and he didn't feel like crowding it even further.

Different sorts of LED screens and maps were covering up most of the walls, making it difficult to even make out the dull grey colour of them. Wires were laying around like spiders' web on the floor, a guaranteed fall for someone who'd never navigated through them. Towards the far end of the room was a sole chair in front of a huge wooden table housing the main processor and monitor,  displaying the live feed from around the house through their carefully installed and hidden cameras.

"Looks like we have a guest arriving shortly."
Hyungsik answered as soon as he was done assessing the situation, taking his place back from Yeonwool.

"Guest? Who? And here?!" Minho exclaimed, looking at the monitors himself, trying to see what had made the other two males so distressed but coming up empty-handed.

"What is it? Can you explain already?" Jihan emphasized his nonchalance by leaning against the door as they all waited for further explanation from the two males who'd detected the possible threat through the monitoring screens.

"Sehun is coming."

That sentence itself, explained it all as Seojoon, Jihan, Minho and even Yeonwool quickly scrambled back upstairs with a shared glance, leaving behind Hyungsik to keep track of the sleek black sudan, approaching their house, through the cameras.

"Jihan and Yeonwool, quick, close all the doors and windows. Draw the blinds and all. No one should be able to take a peek into the house. Be discreet, though. We want no neighbors' problem."
Seojoon instructed the males as they made their way upstairs.

"Return to the basement after that, you know the protocol."

With firm nods, as an acknowledgment of the commands received, both the males rushed to do as told.

"Minho, quick with me to Tae's room."


Both the males climbed yet another set of stairs to reach the first floor of the house, which was, simply put, a long cozy hallway with doors on either side of it.

The hallway was plain beige coloured, while the floorboards were a dark mustard and of wooden built. The doors, though different coloured, were all outlined white where they were cut out from the wall.

There were 6 doors lining the hallway, 3 on one side with brownish red, pale yellow and dark grey coloured doors, sequentially, while the remaining 3 with sky blue, sea green and baby pink colours, on the opposite wall. The doors gave a lively vibe to the otherwise dull hallway.

These rooms were used by the residing males themselves whenever they were over at Taehyung's house, but even then, rarely so.

Since they were required to keep their relation with Taehyung hidden at all costs, they prefered staying in the basement which was mapped out in pretty much the same fashion as the 1st floor but was kept hidden behind a false wall in case someone out of their trusted circle of people were to venture in.

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