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"Meet me in 5." Came a calm and collected voice from the other end of the phone call.

"What!? Do you even realize that I have a fucking job to do as well!? I can't be roaming around as and when you like it!"
The male, who previously began with a sweet greeting, was now replying back equally pissed-off at the caller.

"Are you coming? Or shall we leave you behind? But let me warn you beforehand that you don't get to complain about this later on, as you were informed. Okay?"

The male at the other end was shocked to say the least. He couldn't believe his ears for what they were hearing.

Were they seriously thinking of leaving him out of it!? Him! Of all people! How could they! As these unbelievable scenarios were playing in his mind, he didn't even realize that he was still on the line, only coming back to his senses when the other screamed through the phone to get the male's attention.


"NO!! AND FUCK YOU! I am coming-"

"Good! Then be here in 5"

"in 10. Let me finish you dumbass."

"What!? Argghhh fine! But be here in 10, not more. The usual."

"The usual, got it. Just wait for me."

"Fuck you too."

The male just chuckled at the caller's cuteness, ending the call, making his way down to the said location.

"Oh-Hey Jennie!"

The said female turned, hearing her name being called. Upon seeing who had asked for her assistance she couldn't help but let a smile surface at her graceful pink lips.

"Yes~. What can I help you with?" She asked sweetly trying to contain her excitement for being of any help for the certain male.

"Oh nothing much. Actually I was heading out because some work came up, so I was just hoping to inform someone of my absence for the meanwhile and....... probably to ask them to see through my appointments for the time being. So....."

The male let out his humble request, rubbing his nape in slight hesitation and embarrassment for asking the female's help without any prior notice.

The time the female took to reply, had him thinking that he was going to be rejected of her help but when suddenly a wide smile was directed his way he regained his hopes.

"Sure! Why not! It must be important if you are leaving in such a hurry, so I can't possibly deny your request when you are genuinely in need of my help."

"Thank you Jennie! And it really is urgent otherwise I would not have asked this of you at the last minute. Thanks again for understanding. I owe you one for that."

The male replied with a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Oh! Of course you do and I am soon going to cash it in soon."

UntilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon