14|Is That All?

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"Huh!?" The two conversing males exclaimed at the same time.

While the one, who had been expectantly quite the whole time questioned the male further, not being as surprised as the other two about the male's claim, as he himself had expected the youngest to do some research of his own regarding the concerning matter for all. After all he is an impatient male when it comes to such things.

"What did you find?"

"Honestly,..... he is like a blank page, waiting to be filled."
The youngest said in a daze, recalling all his findings regarding the concerning male.

Yoongi groaned, growing frustrated for having to wait for so long just for a bit of information about the male. He could feel his patience slipping out of his grasp but decided to hold on to the last bits of whatsoever was left of it for a while longer, but just a while more.

"Could you fucking stop talking in circles and just get to the point?!"

This clearly showed the others that his patience was running dangerously low, so without any further delay Jungkook spilled whatever information he had yet to be revealed to the others.

"Um.....Yeah. So-I found out that he doesn't live with his family or any sort of relative but completely all alone in a two story house, which is quite big to be called a house and just a tiny bit small to be called a mansion." The younger quickly stated out not wanting to be the target of his hyung's angry rants.

"Well, he is a successful surgeon at one of the best hospitals around so....that explains about his assets. Nothing suspicious yet again." Jimin explained as soon as Jungkook finished while the two elders hummed back in response agreeing with the male. Jungkook took that as his cue to continue with his findings.

"Hm, that can be it. Also, he rarely ever has anyone as guest or just someone visiting him at this so-called house of his. Not even his parents or any friends, which I assume he might have a lot considering his cheerful personality. That's the first thing that seems suspicious to me."

"You are saying that not even his parents visit him?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what my men informed me, probably came to know from his neighbors and others that live around the area."

"Hm......But we can't be sure as neighbors don't watch over each other all day long. As for his friends....maybe he just doesn't....trust anyone enough to call them over. He has just recently adjusted to this new environment after living in abroad for so long."

"Makes sense."

"Is that all we know for now?" The eldest of them all, inquired.

"Yes. That's all."

The leader was seemingly relaxing in his office when a certain red haired male asked for his permission for intruding his train of thoughts.

The leader did acknowledge the male's presence and allowed him to come into his office and take a seat before him, all that being done by just the male's hand gestures and no word spoken in between. The red headed too didn't find any problem in understanding the male's sign language. It had been years since he knew the male, and therefore understood him without even the use of words. Sometimes all he required was just a mere eye contact to know what the other male wanted to tell him or was feeling like. Indeed it was a close knit family, you can say.

"Namjoon....(sigh) I know what all happened last night."

"Oh! So now Yoongi hyung can't even face me to explain the whole last night incident himself! And decided to send you of all people, who wasn't even there when it happened, for it!"

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