5|The Holiday

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A loud banging on your door would not be something you wish for, when in a deep slumber, to wake you up. But the concerned male here didn't have his pretty luck on his side this time around cause that's just what he was experiencing right now.

Jimin was not a person to be dozing off on work but since today, his lovely hyung had agreed to substitute in his place for the monthly rounds for which he just couldn't be grateful enough to his hyung for taking some of the tasks off of his overbearing shoulders, he'd decided that in order to enjoy this little gift of 'a bit of free time' given to him by his hyung he would take a quick nap as he was still busy as heck for the rest of the day.

But..... things don't always turn out the way you want them to be, isn't it?

Yes, they don't.


'God! What the hell is his problem.'
Groaning and sulking with the same thought in his mind Jimin finally found the strength to leave the comforts of his cosy bed and drag his feet to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened the site that he was met with was one hell of a scene, for sure. The one right out of a creepy serial killer movie where you knew the mad, psychotic killer was beyond pissed and was thinking of thousands of way to release your soul from your miserable lifestyle endured body in his mind.

Jimin could swear at some point he'd seen smoke emitting through the ears of the one before him while his eyes were boiling in pure rage on who knows who. He just wished it isn't him who they were directed to.

The sleep lingering in his eyes a few minutes ago was clearly gone and what remained was just bewilderment and slight fear for the one who was the source of this enraged state of the one before him.

"Hyung! What happened?"

"Oh!! Really!! You are what's happened."

"Wh-What? What do you mean?"

"Where the hell is HE?!?"

At that moment all Jimin could think about was to how to get his ass out of this mess, as it was clear now who was on the receiving end of his hyung's rage.

Unfortunately for him, he was still as clueless as before about what could he have done to bring his usually calm and collected hyung to this point where he was barely holding himself from defenestrating Jimin.

But thankfully his quick thinking skills and wit didn't betray him unlike his luck as it suddenly clicked as to who was his hyung referring to.

"Ahhh~ H-Hyung are you asking about Hobi hyung's whereabouts?"

"No shit, Sherlock"
The older male was raging by now as he slowly started stepping towards Jimin until he backed off and flopped down on his own bed, much like a prey backing away from his predator but atleast Jimin could assure himself that this predator wouldn't kill him, or......so he thought.

"Ah-ah Yoongi hyung cool down for a bit, okay?"

Jimin took a deep breath as he mentally prepared a good enough explanation to help him not end up on his hyung's chopping board.

"He's just helping me with my monthly inspection rounds. He kind of seemed to have spare time with him today so, I said, yeah! why not, I could use some help."

"What about the mission you dumb ass! Don't you know we have a mission to execute today where he would be needed!?"

The incredulous look that followed on Jimin's face was enough of a proof about how conveniently he'd forgotten about their pre-planned mission which was bound to be taking place today.

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