34| Boom

54 3 0

The night had been going pretty well despite their so called 'unpredictable' circumstances. Everything was a smooth sail.

"Let's go get something to eat I'm famished."
Taehyung requested after sometime, looking all exhausted and seconds away from collapsing.

"I can see. When was the last time you ate?"
Jimin complied getting up as he directed his bodyguards to stay back while he and Taehyung made way through the crowd towards the buffet area. He didn't want the bodyguards to crowd them especially since he saw how Taehyung looked a bit uncomfortable around them, so he order them to stay on guard but a bit further away from their sight.

"I just had a light breakfast in the morning, had been working in the emergency ward since then so I hadn't had the time to get something for lunch or an evening snack. So, you can take a guess."
Taehyung answered as they skillfully maneuvered through the crowd, avoiding annoying approaches by some of Jimin's probable business associates.

"I get the picture. Don't worry you can enjoy some of the best delicacies here, which may make your unintended fasting worthwhile."

"Let's hope you are right."

"I always am."
Jimin smugly replied as they reached the buffet and look on Taehyung's face was a clear confirmation of Jimin's earlier statement as the man was sweeped off of his ground looking at all the food stuff that was laid before him.

An hour ago....

"Minho, is he with Jimin?"

"He is."

"Copy that. You should proceed with the next step of the plan then."

"I'm on it."

Minho clicked his earpiece discreetly as he cut the connection with the outside team and proceeded towards the next step of their plan.

He was currently on the second floor of the hall, which was pretty much a narrow outlining balcony overlooking the crowded hall below.

He could easily observe the people below as well keep a sharp eye on the pair as they drank and talked in a scheduled area of the hall surrounded by Jimin's bodygard, which though were dispersed through the crowd but Minho had already pinpointed them before they were able to mix up which was apparently easy given their all black attire and the hall shrouded in darkness except for the flickering blue and red lights.

Minho, after confirming that Taehyung and Jimin were still seated and pretty much indulged in their on going conversation made his way down to the main hall.

He walked along the walls until he reached the buffet area with all the special delicacies served. It wasn't that he was hungry as one would think, no, instead this would be the ground for the next step of their mission.

The buffet area consisted of long tables served with food lining the adjacent walls at the corners of the halls so that the middle area was open for the guest to move around or sit at the tables arranged.
There were round tables arranged close to the buffet tables so that people could enjoy their food comfortably while sitting and avoid spilling in the crowd.

Minho moved behind those buffet tables making sure he didn't catch the attention of people around which didn't seem to be a hard task seeing as most were busy chatting or drinking and very few had started on the food and the few which did were seated facing the opposite wall which cleared a convenient path for Minho to the back of the buffet tables.

He reached the corner of the hall which consisted of a huge marble pillar lined by indented thin cylinders. It was a fancy pillar and did nothing much for the support. But if it were to be removed forcefully the balcony on the second floor just above it would probably fall over.

UntilOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora