chapter sixty one

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

"You're kidding."

That was largely the response Heiji got when she informed people that the man was back.

Her mother cried shortly afterwards, Yuqi slapped her arm and rose her hands in shock, whereas now Haknyeon looked angry.

"I'm not," she shakes her head. "I wish I was."

"How fucking dare he," he too begins shaking his head more violently than Heiji was. "What gives him the right?"

"I don't know," she shrugs, eyeing the boy carefully as he seemed only to be growing angrier. "I'm okay though, Hak-"

"You haven't been okay for years, and it's all his fault," he interrupts. "And then he turns up at your door? What was he expecting?"

"He still has a key," Heiji grumbles as Haknyeons eyes widen even further. "What?"

"You know sometimes," he says walking towards her. "I wonder what goes on inside your head. I know you have the ability to be an angry, raging force whenever you want to be - so why the hell didn't you rip those keys from his hands?"

Heiji stifles a laugh, as the man still eyed her with a serious expression. "I don't know. It's still registered as our house."

"Let's go then," he says, walking towards his coat.


"To take that fuckers name off of the house," his words make Heiji laugh although he was most definitely serious. "And if he tries to enter again, he'll simply get arrested for it."

"We'd have to change the locks first," she points out.

"Then we'll phone for someone first," he argues back, mocking her tone of voice. "And just pray in the mean time that he doesn't try to break in."

"Because it would be a lawful break in," she chuckles as Haknyeon glares at her. "What?"

"You're finding this too amusing," he says sternly. "He's an idiot, Heiji. After we get the locks changed, we're gonna phone to finalise this divorce."

"I'll sort things on my own, Hak," she smiles reassuringly as the man looks down at her. "I promise."

"I know you will," he tuts. "I just wish you could see things how I see things. You're handling it so well, but my god would I be ten times more angry than you are."

She rests her hand upon his arm, giving it a small rub as he looks down at her with concerned eyes. She loved how protective he was, it made her feel loved and safe, but she knew this was something she had to handle on her own.

"But I'm not," she says calmly. "I wish I could be, but I guess I've just accepted it for what it is now. It doesn't mean I feel the same as before he left, it just means I know how to handle things so that I don't end up in the state I was when he did leave."

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