chapter twenty two

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Heiji sighed at her phone screen. It had been a full day since her run in with Sunwoo and Seoho. She slept better at night because now she knew the truth, the only problem was that Sunwoo refused to answer her back.

The girl knew he could be stubborn at times. Hell, he refused to let her go when she was with someone else - that's pretty stubborn.

But she didn't think he would be this stubborn. It wasn't a turn off, it didn't put her off him necessarily, she knew if they were together - it's something she could handle, and she would.

Because truthfully, the boy was worth every second of worrying and trouble he put her through, and that's just how it was.

For all the times the boy brought trouble, it was nothing compared to all the times he made her feel special, she would even say loved - but she didn't want to say the word too fast. But she felt secure and safe with the boy, she knew how genuine he was about him and her, and that was more than good enough.

How could she have been so blind? Sunwoo had warned her, Jinsoul had warned her, hell- even Seoho himself warned her.

"Please answer your phone," Heiji sighs, looking down at her text messages to the boy. "You're killing me here."

The girl let's out another exasperated breath before throwing on her work uniform quickly, not even taking a minute to fix herself in the mirror before heading out the door.

By the time she had got to work, the girl was exhausted - she walked today and at a faster pace than usual.

"You look tired," Sangyeon laughs as the girl enters the staff room. "Here."

The man hands her a bottle of water and the girl bows to him in appreciation.

"You're also fifteen minutes early, that's not like you."

"Meh," the girl shrugs. "I had nothing else to do."

"The sad life of a student," Sangyeon laughs. "It's just me and you tonight, so we'll take turns as cashier?"

"No," Heiji shakes her head. "You're the manager. You've got better things to be doing than standing on a till for hours."

"We'll figure it out," the man reassures. "Don't start until Jacob is finished his shift, please."

"You know he stands there for an extra few minutes to speak to the customers," Sangyeon looks over and nods at the girl.

"Exactly," he laughs. "And you look like you could do with an extra few minutes to sit and relax. Managers orders."

Heiji smiles appreciatively at the man who leaves her in the room alone to gather her breath and get the sweat off her forehead.

"Heiji," Jacob calls from the door. "Someone's here to see you?"

comes in waves ↠ kim sunwooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant