chapter ten

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(A/N; it was like he knew i was gonna write this chapter

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(A/N; it was like he knew i was gonna write this chapter.. how amazing does he look tho :p)

Third Person POV

"What number will be on the back of your shirt?" Heiji asks Seoho from beside him as they walk towards the university gates. 

"Number 9."

"And... what does that mean?" She asks, genuinely curious. "I know nothing about soccer."

Seoho laughs, ruffling her hair. "I won't even bother trying to explain anything, as long as you're cheering me on when it seems I'm doing something right then that's good enough."

"Right..." Heiji says slightly confused, "but how will I know if you're doing something right?"

Seoho laughs again, stopping her and placing his two hands at the side of her arms like he always does, looking down at the girl. "Stop stressing, you see me with the ball right? Moving down the field to the oppositions net, or passing to someone near the net - then I'm doing good, okay?"

"Okay, got it," The girl smiles and nods. "And if you score, then that's even better so I'll cheer extra loud then."

"Perfect," Seoho smiles, kissing the girls cheek as he bids her farewell. "I'll see you at 4 o'clock then?"

"See you then!" Heiji tries to be enthusiastic, she does want to cheer him on but she feels anxious. She knows she's supposed to be looking out for how him and Sunwoo react around each other, to get to the bottom of Jiwoo's story. 

As she approaches the class, she sees her two friends sitting in the top corner of the room, motioning for her to come over. 

"Hey you," Kevin says as he moves his bag he had been using to keep the space for her. "Please tell me one of us has done the reading for today."

"In other words, you haven't." Heiji laughs, eyeing Kevin before pulling out her notebook to show him the work she had done as a look of relief flashed upon his face. 

"It's not my fault there's more to my life than this place," Kevin throws his hands up dramatically as Jinsoul laughs at him.

"The thing is Kevin, the outcome of this place determines your life!" She smacks the side of his arm playfully, as he takes Heijis notepad and reads over the stuff she had written. 

Kevin was lucky he was naturally smart and clued up on most of the stuff they learned about in class. Jinsoul was the opposite, this course was something she had never done before and it took a lot of studying for her to feel comfortable enough in attending. Heiji, on the other hand, was a mixture of both. She knew her stuff, but there was stuff she didn't know and that was what intrigued her so much about the class, it excited her to not know what was coming her way and how much more she could learn. 

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