chapter twenty nine

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Third Person POV

Heiji sighed, looking at herself in the mirror, tugging down at the ends of her dress. 

She noticed how she was losing weight in all the wrong places, her once rounded hips began to fall flat and she didn't like it, she was afraid she'd appear frail to some people. That's what she got for neglecting herself over a boy for months. A part of her still told herself that it was worth it, he was worth it. She felt stupid for looking at herself and believing that if Sunwoo was here, he'd be telling her how beautiful she was, boosting her confidence in an instant. But he wasn't here, and he would never be. So Haknyeons compliments would have to do. 

"Stop pulling it you'll make a dent in the fabric," he swats her hand away, standing behind her as she looked at herself in the mirror. "You look great, why is your face like that?"

"Why is my face like what?"

Haknyeon pulls his eyebrows together to form a frown, pushing down on the sides of his mouth with his fingers and dragging his lips downwards. "Like this."

"It does not," Heiji pushes him. "I just want to look nice."

"You do," Haknyeon points at her. "Who do you want to look nice for, missy?"

"I'm hosting a party, I don't want to look like shit," Heiji bites back. "Who said I had to look nice for anyone?"

"Heiji!" Mia shouts from downstairs, hearing her open the door and greet people, who she assumed to be the two couples. "The lovebirds are here, and these guys I don't know."

Haknyeon looks at her suspiciously. "Who the hell did you invite?"

"Some of the guys I work with," she says, quickly fixing her hair and taking one final look at herself, seeing Haknyeons face scrunch up from beside her, she knew what he was about to jokingly say. "I'll call myself a whore before you get the chance to."

"I wasn't going to say that!" Haknyeon follows her down the stairs. "I was going to say something more polite, like... hoe."

When Heiji gets to the bottom of the stairs, she sees Eric and Jacob standing with two other guys she didn't know. She didn't mind so much, she trusted they wouldn't bring assholes to her house. "Hey guys," Heiji smiles, approaching the four. "Glad you could make it."

"Hey," Eric says, casually opening a can he had in his hand. "This is my friend Hyunjoon, he never misses a party so I thought I'd bring him."

"Sure," Heiji smiles, turning to the boy. She was stunned by his looks, he looked so intimidating until he gave her a smile. "I'm Heiji, nice to meet you."

The boy shook her hand, shocking Heiji as he lifted her hand and placed a small kiss on it. Eric pushed him lightly, swatting his hand away from hers jokingly. "Stop it, playboy."

Heiji laughs, turning to see Jacob and his friend who was also staggeringly handsome. "I'm Heiji."

"I'm Younghoon," he says politely, and she could now understand why him and Jacob were friends. "It's lovely to meet you. You have a lovely house, thank you for inviting us to it."

Heiji was shocked by his politeness, in comparison to Hyunjoon and Eric, she could tell there was a clear age gap and maturity difference. She didn't care, both of them were respectable enough. "Pleasure is all mine, enjoy your night guys, I'll see you around."

Walking away from the boys, Heiji's door bell rang again before the person invited themselves in, almost walking straight into the girl. He steadied her with his hands. "Hey."

"Hi Hyunjae," Heiji smiled, giving the boy a light hug. "Glad you could make it."

Before the two get to say anything else, Haknyeon and Mia pull the girl towards the kitchen with a large bottle of alcohol in their hands. "Shots?"

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