chapter thirty

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Third Person POV

The pair scatter, throwing themselves off each other as the low voice startled them. Heiji's heart was racing in her chest, this was embarrassing. So embarrassing

The figure had left by the time they had disentangled each other, and the room was dark enough for them to have not wholly seen what was going on, or who they were.

Hyunjae lets out a breath of relief when he sees no one is there, looking over at Heiji curled up in the corner of the bed. "You alright?"

"I just got a fright, that's all," Heiji breathes out slowly, looking at the boy. "Are you?"

"I'm fine," he smiles softly at her, her eyes drifted towards the door. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to end up like that."

Heiji laughs, shaking her head. She didn't feel half as embarrassed as she thought she would have. She was practically on top of a boy, making out with them, that didn't happen often. "It's okay, Hyunjae. I think we should head back downstairs."

He nods at the girl, watching as she stands up and fixes her jumper which had unknowingly been tugged down at one side. "Don't want anyone being too suspicious."

"Yeah," Heiji laughs, as the boy reaches up to caress her face. "I'm gonna go down first, make sure everything is still okay. Is that okay?"

Hyunjae nods at the girl, pulling his hand away. "That's fine, I'll see you down there. "

Walking down her stairs, the noise level and state of the house was the exact same as it was before, she was thankful nothing drastic changed in the time she was, lets say, occupied.

"Hey!" Haknyeon appears at the bottom of the stairs. "Where have you been?"

"I'll tell you later," Heiji says quietly. Haknyeons eyes grew big, a wave of curiosity and shock washed over his face. Heiji simply nodded, knowing what he thought. "Yes, something like that, now I need another drink."

"Wait!" Haknyeon pulls the girl back as she goes to enter the kitchen. "You didn't do it, did you?"

"No!" Heiji exclaims, before realising that it probably seemed like she had with the look she gave him. "No, not it, which adults call sex by the way. We just kissed."

"Hoe," he joked referencing their earlier conversation, before walking away to the living room, his voice becoming distant. "Eric, why haven't you got any socks on? And why is your friend wearing them on his ears?"

Heiji giggled, entering her empty kitchen, which was spotless. She wondered who had tidied it, noticing a full black bin bag sitting at the entrance to her back garden. 

She was grateful for whoever it was, but she'd worry about that later. She takes a bottle, pouring herself a quick drink in a glass cup. It was her house, she could use the glass cups, less washing up for her to do tomorrow. 

The girl leans against the wall, looking out of the glass door which separated her from the garden. She noticed a figure, sitting on the small wall that was located at the end of her garden, looking up at the empty sky. The moon shone from the opposite direction.

"Weird." She hummed, opening the door quietly before the cold air hit her. Whoever it was, sat with terrible posture and a crazy colour of hair. 

Slowly approaching the person, she began to feel anxious. Maybe she should have asked someone to come with her, this could genuinely be anyone. But then again, it must be someone she knows - they would've most likely have came through her house instead of climbing the locked gate around the side of the house. 

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